Egoism (Team Alchem) - Reviews

Egoism (Team Alchem)
jllybeans's avatar
Jun 12, 2023

If you are okay with some of the tropes in an a/b/o that play on an Omega not always having a ton of agency (fueled by hormones, etc), then you'll likely be more okay with this story, but much of the tale centers on an Omega, scared of Alphas, who grows much closer to his Beta brother over time. They're not blood related, but they were raised together from a relatively young age, so there are some incest vibes, just in case that is a hard no for you. The problem with this story is that the possessiveness on all sides yanks away at the MC's agency, with no real plot desire to pull him back one way or the other... the MC isn't someone I'm rooting for in the way I have other main characters who lack agency. I'm not rooting for him to have a big comeback, or even for him to give into the pull of losing his agency, in any significant way. However, a satisfying ending and a conclusion that says "not every relationship is what it seems," is nice, and a promise for a neat bow on several relationships in the story made me rank it higher than I expected. tl;dr, the first third and final fifth are very good, but everything else is kind of... lacking.

6/10 story
7/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
LaylaLux's avatar
Jun 26, 2021

Since I read quite a long time ago and don't remember too much I'll say y opinion on what I do remember hmmmm so as you'd expect of course there would be fighting misunderstandings and lack of communication in well most parts but it's not the worst story there I guess?I mean between yeah it has ups and downs but it's overall good.

8.5/10 story
10/10 art
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
YaoiGodAbove20's avatar
Jan 22, 2021

The author did mention egoism being referred to the lil self-centeredness each of the character has... title's pretty self-explanatory after all. The characters all act on their own selfish whims which brought about the endless drama that covered a LARGE part of the story. It gets very tiring to see them misunderstand, argue, and have a forced make-up again just because the ending requires it. It's NOT BAD it's just laced with trivial dramas stirred up over some misspoken words. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
4.9/10 overall
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