Efforts Never Betray - Reviews

Efforts Never Betray
getou's avatar
Jul 21, 2021

Very realistic portrayal of anxiety and and abuse. A lot of people can, unfortunately, relate to being driven to the brink from academic pressure excused from society and Efforts Never Betray manages to showcase it masterfully.  I don't usually get emotionally attached to characters/plots so I was very surprised to find myself heartbroken from the main character and crying almost all the way through and this is why the finale of the series hurts so much because it's isn't a happy one, if I'm being honest the finale was not a finale at all and rather a cliffhanger. Which is very frustrating when I spent the last two hours crying for this abused child. I suppose you could call it as the author saying that you can't "recover" from such serious mental health issues & abuse without intervention/ professional help, If you're being charitable, but to me it felt like the author giving up on the story itself but at the end of the day it's their story to tell. I definitely wouldn't recommend this manhwa if you're not in the best headspace because this manhwa might offer you recognition but it wouldn't offer you comfort.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
lookingformanga's avatar
Jul 19, 2021

The feeling that were conveyed made my heart race and the ending really killed me i just wanna give the mc a hug TT.

9/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
Curiousmadra's avatar
Jul 22, 2021

Guys this has been a crazy, emotional, full of anger, sickening and scary manhwa that I’ve ever read in a long while. It would definitely be relatable to some readers out there since the father is obsessed with the highest grades that our main MC Jae-kyung receives and beats the crap out of him for it if he even gets lower then 100%?!?!?! We see that he is full of self doubt and obsessed to impressed his father to receive 100% exam marks. Well newflash, not everyone can achieve 100% in exams (definitely not myself throughout education) and the father was extremely selfish for being a bad parent.

I even liked the other characters Kwon and Hansol like they were unexpectedly likeable!

It’s important to note that this manhwa shows a realistic portrayal of pressure anxiety and parental abuse so if either of those types of tags are too upsetting for you, then I would suggest reading something else. It’s a heavy manhwa to indulge lemme tell ya!

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
SLena's avatar
Jul 5, 2023

Is the art good? Yes, the way the artist draws the character's emotion fits so well with the story and feels so thrilling to watch. Is the story good? Yes, even though the MC makes me feel really annoyed and uncomfortable, I understand why he is like that. And the time when he replies to his friend too much that he can't live without them is fking real I want to cry. Do I want to read it again? Absolutely no. This manhwa is breaking my heart in many ways I don't thing I can handle it once more time.

8/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
8.6/10 overall
TruckKunIsHere's avatar
Aug 13, 2023

This story is another one I will always remember. It follows a boy struggling to be the perfect child his father wanted after entering high school, it shows a lot of self doubt and as the story progresses you can see him take more and more control. Some parts were sad to read, others left you satisfied but overall each chapter was well written and don't get me started on the art! The end of the story was a huge shock and many people in the comments were asking what happened next but I feel as though the author wanted us to make it up and they kind of say that in the ending notes. It is sad that things like this happen in real life including all the gaslighting done by the mc's father and the mc himself. The father often said stuff like, you have it better than other children, other children live in poverty and can't study so the mc would feel bad whenever he didn't get 100% on the test revealing how important adult's words can be to children. In the end, it is worth reading, if you don't like psychological or dark stories then perhaps it isn't for you and child abuse does play a big part. Thank you author :)

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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