D.T.F. But Looking For Love

Alt title: Deai Kuriya Datte Majime ni Koi ga Shitemitai.

Vol: 1; Ch: 8
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D.T.F. But Looking For Love

Isagi Sera is an awkward businessman who just wants to find love. He spends his days searching for his dream partner online and meets up with strangers in the meantime for some fun. He ends up in bed with a handsome young guy, Yuu, who claims he's never done this before and that it's his first time with another man, to boot. Isagi likes everything about him and they agree to meet again, but Yuu disappears on him... A month later, Isagi spots Yuu while he's on a business trip, but Yuu doesn't remember him. Not only that, but Yuu is practically a different person! What happened to him!? 

Source: Renta

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