Dragon Ball: Yo! The Return of Son-Goku and Friends!! - Reviews

Alt title: Dragon Ball: Ossu! Kaettekita Son Goku to Nakama-tachi!!

Dragon Ball: Yo! The Return of Son-Goku and Friends!!
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Aug 7, 2020

I wouldn't recommend this even to people who like Dragon Ball. Just reread Dragon Ball instead. The new characters--Vegeta's brother Tarble and feir wife Gure and the villains Avo and Cado--aren't interesting characters. Honestly, the story would've been more interesting if they had shown Tarble struggling on feir own without asking for help and having to find a way to overcome opponents much stronger and better suited to fighting than femself. But having the usual crew fight and easily defeat them serves no purpose and makes for a pointless plot. It's basically just showing how far Goku and the others have powered up over the years, to the point that now opponents who are as strong as Frieza pose no challenge to them, but that's not a premise worth building a story around.

1/10 story
2/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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