Dogashikaden! - Reviews

nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Nov 13, 2022

This series basically just compiles a lot of narrative techniques and cliches standard in shounen sports manga. Our protagonist is a largely average person with a single trait that is exceptional (in this case, it's step-speed/agility) and with an intense determination and practice routine. Our protagonist slowly accumulates some additional skills through practice and hard work and we are able to see the results of that effort during matches, where the protagonist plays a pivotal role despite there being other players who have more experience and talent (including, often, one or more "genius," naturally-gifted types of players).

In this manga, it also mixes in some comedy and seems to have tried (and hugely failed) to maybe also include a love interest (?). The comedy largely comes from the rich girl acting in ridiculously over-the-top ways, including using helicopters or having a butler around. The basketball scrimmages and practice matches aren't hugely interesting. Part of that is that there isn't enough time for Ookado's growth to feel realistic. And part of it is also that the characters are pretty boring. Anyway, it got me in the mood to go read some Prince of Tennis, so that's what I'm gonna go do now. Peace!

3/10 story
5/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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