December - Reviews

n3vermind's avatar
Sep 6, 2023

Really cute omegaverse, the ML Isn't toxic but just cares for the MC in a nice way. He never forces the MC, and kinda takes things nice and slow, which is refreshing since most omegaverses have the most toxic ML's to ever exist.

I hope the uploads become more consistent because the story so far is so good and cute! But I also kinda feel like the MC just randomly developed feelings, wish they went more in-depth with that, but it's cute eitherway.

Its not THE greatest manhwa ever, its just a cute manhwa to read to pass time ig?

?/10 story
7/10 art
?/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
Puno172's avatar
Nov 16, 2023

This is one of the best omegaverse ever I have ever read.

Spoil alert:

Seems like the omega kinda dumb, he not realize the boy who he helped 3 years ago is his lover. This is trival mistake so I dont count it to decease my rate.

I am really curious what happens next, the season 2 ended... I couldn't wait more 😭

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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AFL's avatar
Dec 26, 2022

One of the best omegaverses out there fr but why isn't it being updated for over a year ughhh plz update PLZZZZZ WE NEED SEASON TWO!!!


It's finally getting updated yaaay. I rly wanna read the novel, but can't find the English version. If anyone knows how and where to read the novel even in Korean language PLZ HELP 😩🙏

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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