Daughter of the Emperor - Reviews

Alt title: Hwangjeui Oedongttal

Daughter of the Emperor
sailorluna's avatar
Jan 16, 2022

I read this years ago but I want to get this out of my chest. I've read a lot of manhwa and manga in my whole life and this was far by the worse. I usually finish whatever I read but I dropped this because it just doesn't make sense at all. No plot, no progress, no development. I thought it was going to be like Who Made Me a Princess at first because this was recommended to read when I was looking for stories similar to WMMAP. But no, it was just... bad. I believe I reached around Chapter 50 or 60 of the story and the main character was still a kid and there was still no progress in the story. I believe we haven't even met the main pair for her at that point too. Art is nice and all but a bad storyline will give a story the lowest of reviews. 

1/10 story
7/10 art
2.5/10 characters
2/10 overall
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4minar's avatar
May 2, 2021

read over 200 chapter;

it's not like i hate this manhwa, but honestly, it's a mess.

the story arcs are all over the place, they'll begin someone's story arc then they explain it once again in the future for the fl and we have to sit and go through it again?? 

this story has no purpose or goal that it wants to achieve, and it's extremely slow-paced like do we really have to sit through the fl growing up and every small thing she does? 

the characters were the interesting thing for me, but at some point, they start to lose their charm and i'm getting tired of them because honestly there's not much character development.

4/10 story
5/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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moochz's avatar
Feb 12, 2021

the story is just so horribly paced. over a hundred episodes in nothing has happened and she's still 4. none of the characters have much personality and it's overall very boring. 

3/10 story
8/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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UltimateSimpKing's avatar
Apr 10, 2022

I really like father-daughter bond story (actually family bonds are just lovable) and this story was exactly about that at the beginning...until it dragged so long for FL's romance plot. I genuinely don't care about her romance, I just want more family bonding plots- I could even enjoy it if the story just go on the slice of life path, but I guess I'm asking too much.

The art reminds me of older times japanese manga, its nostaligic and beautiful. Characters are adorable, FL is cute and tolerable in the beginning, even though there's times she acted a bit childlish (she was a child anyway despite she was an adult before isekai-ed). Maybe it's because my bias of not liking the romance plot, but since the romance route started, I found FL rather annoying. 

5/10 story
7/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Lena518's avatar
May 21, 2023

It was a cute story, but it got boring quickly. There were some major plot holes, I didn't like the ending or how forgiving Ria was. 

2/10 story
9/10 art
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
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