Dangan Tenshi Fan Club - Reviews

Dangan Tenshi Fan Club
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
May 28, 2021

I've been reading me some supplemental mangas in the last few days, and I've been largely unimpressed with most of them. But this oneshot--which is presumably supplementing the One-Punch Man mangaverse--was actually pretty good. I say "presumably supplementing" because I honestly wouldn't have guessed that it was related to One-Punch Man at all if animeplanet hadn't linked them together. Yea, they're drawn by the same artist and they both involve people fighting monsters, but that's basically the only connective tissue (unless there's some other crossover element that I'm unaware of). This one tells the story of a Magical Girl named Himiko with a puri-puri mascot that gives fem powers, but with a couple shounen-esque twists. Feir fighting style is close combat bashing rather than long-distance wand-beams (by no choice of feir own) and fe has a less-than-pure personality. Fe has to keep the fact that fe's saving the world from demons a secret. But unbeknownst to fem, fe already has a secret fan club of guys who know feir secret. The manga portrays the fan club guys as basically glorified stalkers.

Many, if not all, of the jokes landed for me. And the general atmosphere had a pleasant, quirky feel to it. I think my favorite funny moment was the rooftop shooting scene.

4/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
6/10 overall