Daisuki no Yukue - Reviews

Alt title: My Loves Goes Where?

Daisuki no Yukue
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Mar 2, 2020

The hook that sets this manga apart from others of the same type is that one of the cheers for the volleyball team "naisuki" (a play on words from "nice kill") is just one consonant away from "daisuki" (which means "I love you"). Other than that, it involves a girl who at first doesn't recognize the feeling of love welling up within fem for a certain boy in the volleyball club. But when another boy confesses to fem, fe realizes what fe actually wants. And then puns happen in public.

Since it's so short, we don't really get any character development, so the characters kinda just feel like templates: the bubbly, popular guy contrasts with the reserved, hard-working guy. And the girl, who's a bit naive and innocent, but who takes action. And then stock friends.

4/10 story
8/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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KatFoebreaker's avatar
Sep 10, 2018

It isn't bad it falls into the school/sport genre though the story doesn't really stick out much. That could be mostly because the one shots that focus romance/sports/school life typically only have 1 direction to really go in which was why I say its good but, not great and good but, not terrible. 

Its a decent quick read if you don't got time like most one shots. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
5/10 overall
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