Coming Out Note - Reviews

Coming Out Note
Curiousmadra's avatar
Apr 23, 2022

It’s a pretty nice manhwa about the MC liking guys (being insecure about it and is a loudmouth, he shouted he was gay while talking to his friend on the phone…in the lads bathroom) and just is insecure about finding out. That is until he partners up with dark haired guy (sorry don’t remember his name) for a teamwork project. Dark haired guy is always pissed off with him and constantly gets physical with him (out of comical purposes btw). Then of course the pair fall in love. Tbh I thought himself and blond dude were going to have a cockfight for the MC but it seems to fizzle out (it’s well needed tbh, hate love triangles unless it’s 3 way).

Yeah read this old skool manhwa guys!

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7.8/10 overall
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