Color of Rage - Reviews

Alt title: Colored

Color of Rage
MylesWesleyKent's avatar
Aug 10, 2023

I didn't care for this story. It wasn't anything terrible. But for just didn't really have too much going on. I get that George and King escaped slavery, and now try to right the wrongs of the terrible cruelty of mankind. But I just feel that the story could have told and be explored more. The art style was passible, and quite nice. Everything else just didn't capture my attention. Also, I've never really been a fan of blood and gore - at least not when it's just...plain. The idea was interesting, but it was a swing and a miss for me. I guess if the story was like a young slave who washed up on the Japan shores, and was taken in by a ronin, maybe that would have made it something. Although it might have given people sort of "Yasuke" vibe. And I would have minded seeing the Japanese women become enamored by King.

4.9/10 story
5/10 art
4.9/10 characters
4.9/10 overall
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