Downpour - Specials - Reviews

Alt titles: Cloudburst - Specials, Hansonagi - Specials

Downpour - Specials
feathertail38's avatar
Mar 8, 2024

Don't read the side stories.

I think the main series is good, it's about learning and growing from past trauma and being open to new love despite heartbreak. Plus the jokes are funny.

The epilogue is incredibly rough. The characters feel wrong, they don't really talk to each other, there is an uncomfortably non-consensual sex scene that is framed as ok, and the plot beats don't make cohesive sense. 

My guess is that the people adapting the original novel tried to write their own new material, and it didn't go well .

2/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
4/10 overall
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