Classroom of Murder

Ch: 40
2016 - 2017
2.905 out of 5 from 51 votes
Rank #37,601
Classroom of Murder

My son committed suicide because of the class bullies. I'm going to kill each and every one of them, one by one…

Source: Toomics

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I recommend you read this because of how bad it is. The art is atrocious, very clearly inexperienced and low effort. It made reading hilarious because everyone looked so fucking ugly.  The story itself was OK. The ending was incredibly rushed though, since at the start he was slowly picking off students one at a time, but suddenly he decides to go American mode and take out everyone in a shooting. The characters, though, were something else. Though the MC is motivated by revenge and justice, he clearly has no qualms with killing anyone innocent that gets in his way, like how he states he'll kill his girlfriend after he's done with his students because he thinks she's uneducated and just doesn't plain like her.  The author very clearly has 0 respect for women, because the only women characters are treated as disposable sex dolls. This isn't just an evil main character tho, like all the women are written as jealous morons who only ever think about men and sex. I understand what the author was going for -- manipulative MC who only thinks of his next plan and doesn't care who he hurts along the way; but there's a difference between being manipulative and being misogynistic.  Speaking of sex, too many sex scenes. Almost every chapter had an explicit scene of someone's dick being shoved into someone. It was kinda gross. I think the one comment I found while reading this describes this manhwa best: "Bruh was this written by a 14 year old?" 3.5/10 wouldn't read again Trigger warnings: s/a language, ableism

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