I Wasn't the Cinderella

Alt title: Cinderella-neun Naega Anieotda

Ch: 110+
2021 - ?
3.734 out of 5 from 756 votes
Rank #16,399
I Wasn't the Cinderella

How could Terryl’s boyfriend leave her simply because of her low status? After her humiliating breakup, a mysterious man tells Terryl the shocking truth about her identity—she’s the daughter of a powerful duke! With her advanced standing in society and newfound powers, Terryl plans revenge against her pitiful ex-boyfriend and contemplates marrying his brother, Cesio. This way, he’ll never get the title of marquis! But what will Terryl do when she discovers Cesio’s dark secret? Will she get her happily ever after, or is that just a fairytale?

Source: Tapas

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