Chou Dakaretai Otoko - Reviews

Alt title: Super Dakaretai Otoko

Chou Dakaretai Otoko
QuatreKnox's avatar
Feb 22, 2022

It was so-so....

Two stories. First one is the longest, it's about two cousins who live together that end up in a relationship. The younger cousin is in high school and is an illustrator. Not sure how old the other cousin is, but he stays home and takes care of the apt and cooking. The story is a little twisted that the uke is very passive and has sex with two different guys, one is his childhood neighbor and the other is an author for the editorial company he's with. I don't know, too me it was forced sex, but at the same time the kid didn't fight back at all. 

The second story is interesting, an interesting twist at the end. The uke is a Japanese debuting actor that got stranded on an island and was saved by a man who lives in the jungle. They ended up becoming intimate in less than a week, then was was found and eventually he went home while the jungle guy stayed behind. The jungle guy learned Japanese and went to find his lover in and they were both finally happy. 

4/10 story
7/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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