Children of the Whales - Reviews

Alt title: Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau

Children of the Whales
CopperMustachio's avatar
Nov 25, 2019

This manga tells the story of an unchartet and alien world with a very unique setting and style. We follow a small society on top of an island drifting in the endless sand-ocean that makes up their world.

The most interesting aspect here is the world itself. Similar to the likes of attack on titan, diescovering the many mysteries of the world is the main appeal of the story. The author puts a lot of emphesis on the worldbuilding to make the people on the island feel alive, but sometimes dialogues tend to feel a bit cramped with all of those foreign terms. The characters themselfs are decent, they are likeable but not very fleshed out.

All in all I can say that if you are interested in worldbuilding or just love seeing alien worlds then this is the manga for you

8/10 story
10/10 art
6/10 characters
9/10 overall
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