Caterpillar - Reviews

justabaldguy's avatar
Mar 17, 2024

I wanted to like Caterpillar for the neat concept of every fighter had traits of a bug. Ultimately the giant plot of "everyone kill Caterpillar" was so horribly boring. It did nothing for me, and I finished the first main arch around chapter 97 and called it quits.

Some of the skills are cool, and the way the fights are drawn is excellent. You get plenty of cliches, like no one ever really dying. Pound on them, stab them, shoot them, there's always a "Ah, but MY bug has the X trait which means I'm still alive!" excuse. It got old quickly.

It's quite graphic and some of the issues will be tough to read. Ultimately it does add to the character's backstory, but that's usually all it does. There could be much more done to change and grow the characters, but that's not what happens.

3/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
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