Candy Flurry - Custom lists

Alt title: Ame no Furu

Candy Flurry
  • Fabricant 100
  • Tenmaku Cinema
  • Martial Master Asumi
  • Ayashimon
  • Time Paradox Ghostwriter

Weekly Shonen Jump's Cancelled Manga, Ranked by Balthasaurus

A list of manga that ran in Weekly Shonen Jump for a number of issues before being cancelled. They've been ranked, with the best at the top, and the worst at the bottom. This is not an exhaustive list of all of the magazine's...

  • School Counselor Usami-sensei no Nayami Soudanshitsu
  • Taberare Usa.
  • Hozuki's Coolheadedness
  • I’m a Terminal Cancer Patient, but I’m Fine.
  • Usagi wa Seigi

Bunnies, Rabbits and Other Bun-Related Inclusions in Manga by tsukiyadori

This list contains manga titles which feature bunnies, rabbits and bunny-related themes, motifs or simple short cameos. (Yes, *everything*.) Every occurence will be noted as I encounter them starting from 2020, as I remember them...