Can We Become Family? - Reviews

Alt title: Uriga Gajogi Doel Su Isseulkkayo?

Can We Become Family?
MangaXexperts's avatar
Oct 20, 2021

To keep it short
• greatly similar with the untouchable lady
• cunning female lead that only showed it after dying more than 7 times
• a incredible trashy family
• a lot of out smarting moments

7.5/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
Iyashi's avatar
Dec 23, 2021

Even the trashy translations couldn't hide the quality of this work. Very similar to Solitary Lady (almost like a copy), but not quite on the same level, I think. Still, it's very good.

But the characters here are better. At least they are more realistic. The "father" in Solitary Lady was pretty much just stupid and arrogant to the point that I can't take anything of him serious. His plots felt more like those of a 10-yo. The "father" in Can We Become a Family is way more cunning and calculating, that gives a lot more depth to the plots and make conversations more meaningful.

Maybe it's just because of the translation quality, that I feel like this manhwa is a little bit worse than Solitary Lady. (There were a lot of errors like mistaking "woman" for "man", "he" for "she", "can" for "can't" and "do" for "don't" not to mention the tenses. In a lot of cases those mistakes were obvious, but in the cases that weren't obvious, the meaning of sentences/speech bubbles were often completely reversed.)

8/10 story
?/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
Shallot's avatar
Feb 26, 2022

It's a good manga that I would recommend to anyone, my only cretique is that the story moves too slow and I feel that there needs to be more happening. Alot of it is just repeating the plots of the MC or the other chracters. But other than that I am quite enjoying this mange :3

7/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
micajjk's avatar
Jul 20, 2023



10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Missdiamond's avatar
May 30, 2023

The plot is interesting, cute, and heartwarming. The characters are well written and consistent. The art is delicate and great. The only drawback I have with this is that the family drama took too long. ML's story was just start in chapter 73, although he was mentioned several times before. Don't get me wrong, the family drama itself is still well written and not go all over places, but tbh it's just not my cup of tea. Well yea, it's my own fault expecting some romance to develop faster although the title suggest otherwise, lol. It's clearly more focus on family story. But I will not drop it tho, I sense that when the story with ML intensifies I'll like it more because love from childhood is my thing.

*reviewed at chapter 79*

7/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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