Cage of Eden - Reviews

Alt title: Eden no Ori

Cage of Eden
ash63's avatar
Sep 17, 2023

It's survival type. I haven't seen any manga with similar set up though. Very unique among survival plots.

A large group of high schoolers find themselves in a mysterious island after a plane crash. The island is full of extinct ancient animals. All the passengers get scattered around in groups after some incidents. They face one threat after another in this unlawful, uninhibited island which involves facing ferocious animals, dealing with themselves, solving many mysteries... The island itself is another part of the mysteries they will try to uncover.

It has many ecchi stuff- panty shots/undies and gory scenes too. Story is interesting enough to keep you reading from the start which gets even more and more interesting with the time.

7/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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MonkeyDLuffy2's avatar
Jun 9, 2017

One of the best non Mainstream manga i have ever read!!!!!

10/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9.8/10 overall
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KingArthur13th's avatar
Sep 21, 2012

If you haven't read it start reading it. Cage of Eden is by far one of the best ongoing manga today and combines some of the best genres into an beautifully put together masterpiece. Panty shots, loli, horror, tragedy, intense violence, adventure, romance, psychological, mystery, giant extinct animals, and perseverance describes what this manga is all about. Cage of Eden centers around a young teen named Akira Sengoku and his classmates who returning home from a trip to Guam. The plane he, his classmates and others are on board soon crash land on a mysterious island which is inhabited by prehistoric animals that are supposed to be extinct. Sengoku and his group of survivors are now stuck on this island and have to find a way off before they end eaten by one of the extinct prehistoric creatures that inhabit the island or end up killed by other passengers. Along the way, he and his group also attempt to find the answers to this mysterious island, including figuring out how and why these animals that are supposed to be extinct are now alive. Cage of Eden has an incredible story line and the suspense created from the island's mysteries as well as Sengoku and his allies' attempt at survival keeps you coming back, having you want to read more and more. True that the large amount of fanservice in the beginning can be a little overbearing but it simmers down as the story goes along (not to say that I don't enjoy the fanservice). One of the most intriguing things about Cage of Eden is the reality in it (minus the extinct prehistoric animals), as it shows the depth of human behavior including both the good and the bad of humanity. During the first few days the plane crash survivors spend on the island, you see what would be expected of most people in such a situation, but as time goes on, the survivors tend to become used to their condition and adapt as would most likely be true in reality. Unlike some mangas where the characters are automatically adapt to the situation right from the beginning or stay frightened and helpless all the way through, Cage of Eden gives a true sense of human behavior, emotion and thinking giving the entire manga a in depth look into humans in general. Cage of Eden is definitely an incredible manga and is long overdue for an anime. I hope you will also read this manga soon and agree with me.

10/10 story
9.5/10 art
9.5/10 characters
10/10 overall
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