Building The Ultimate Fantasy (Novel) - Reviews

Building The Ultimate Fantasy (Novel)
MonarqueCeleste's avatar
Mar 5, 2024

I've been looking for a decent worldbuilding/kingdom building novel for a while. There's just something special about having an MC that can play the role of god and influence things behind the scenes. And I have to say this one starts exactly like that. But it got boring real quick. First of all the idea of him imparting qi in the world is not interesting. I'd rather he came in world with few resources and had to build his faction and from then level up the world. Yeah he plays a god here but for it to work the side characters need to be interesting. None of them are. I thought of putting it on hold at first but I'll just drop it here.

4/10 story
0.1/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
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