Boku no Kanojo-sensei

Vol: 9+; Ch: 46+
2019 - ?
3.499 out of 5 from 153 votes
Rank #29,370
Boku no Kanojo-sensei

Can sensei be the heroine? Please? Due to a traumatic experience, I have a distrust of people called “sensei”. I, Saiki Makoto, was called by after school by the most popular and beautiful teacher at my school, Fujiki Maka-sensei. “I… love you” Eh– a confession out of the blue!? “Until you say you love me, I will continue to pursue you” Ever since then, I’ve been called by for “guidance counselling” after school, somehow watched AV together, being given excessive skin-ship, went on dates together. Over time, I gradually became conscious of Sensei…? But isn’t it bad for Sensei to go out with her student? 

Source: NU

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When people (i.e. me) complain about valueless ecchi fodder, this is the type of thing being talked about. As the "Harem" tag should indicate, there are more girls involved than just the teacher. Each of these girls represents a type of fetish that people might be into: a teacher, a nun-in-training, a gravure idol, a grade schooler, and a younger sister. Based on the flow of the current chapters, it seems like the story will be structured around Saigi spending more time with one of the girls and then learning about the event which sparked feir interest in fem (and so on for the next girls). So far, we've seen the teacher's love-spark (ch. 11) as well as the gravure idol's (ch. 20). The teacher is the main love interest, so Saigi will probably end up with fem. But it's stupid how the teacher has no problem being in a "fake relationship"--going on dates, making out, showing off feir boobs, and so on--but says that if Saigi accepts feir feelings and they start dating for real, then suddenly it would be ethically inappropriate for fem to continue being feir teacher and fe would go be a nun or something. They're doing all of the unethical stuff already! How would it become more unethical if it became "real"? The characters look like a thousand other characters. They also have the wig-hair problem, where it pops up too much over the forehead. The emotions are weakly drawn. The ecchiness is unnuanced and ridiculous: they'll have the girls prop up their boobs with their forearms, have random panty shots, crotch lines on their short skirts, and generally just awkward angles obviously used to emphasize the body parts. And these girls also talk about their bodies as assets for seduction, which is just weird. The author doesn't know how to write realistic dialogue or create characters with believable motives, so fe just unnaturally makes the characters interested in achieving the ecchi goals which fe wants to draw. Like, the teacher will often talk about overwriting previous stimuli with feir own stimulating actions, but this is just stupid and an obvious excuse by the author to include double the ecchi for the price of one. The teacher is called the "unobtainable flower," though it's a weird nickname for the students to use since it implies that all the other teachers would be obtainable... And speaking of bad characterization, the author has Saigi self-identify as "teacher-hating." But that's not the type of thing that anybody would actually self-identify as. That's the type of thing that an author might use as a notation about a character, but this author just has the character view femself in that way. But worse than that, there isn't really anything else noteworthy about Saigi's character. Fe's empty and bland. Fe doesn't seem to have even a single friend that fe spends time with. Fe doesn't seem to have any hobbies or things that fe enjoys doing (other than, I guess, maybe looking at cute cat pictures). Fe doesn't have any girls that fe was crushing on before being confessed to out of the blue. Fe's just a passive block of wood that, storywise, allows for the girls to carve on fem unimpeded (metaphorically speaking). It's mentioned that Saigi is a "shit-nosed brat" to teachers, but the author never actually shows Saigi being obnoxious to teachers. And when there is talk and rumors among the students--it's mentioned, but never actually shown. The author is relying on just narrating some of these details instead of actually integrating them into the storyline and showing them, which would've made the world-building more in depth by forcing the author to create more characters and subplots. I noticed a weird recurring emphasis on eating meat. Not important, just thought I'd mention it. [Reviewed at chapter 21]

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