Until I Meet My Husband - Reviews

Alt title: Boku ga Otto ni Deau made

Until I Meet My Husband
KSyl's avatar
Feb 24, 2021

This manga really gave me mixed feelings in each chapters. This is just too beautiful.

Maybe you already know this but this manga's story is based on a autobiography of "Ryousuke Nanasaki". Maybe bcs it's based on another person's life, this manga really gave an "intimate" feeling. I meant that you can really feel what Ryousuke is feeling, and ofc some chapters can make u ugly cry ;-; .But im a lil bit dissapointed that this manga only covers some "important parts", that means it skipped over some parts of the essay... But i know it'll be hard for a "manga" to cover a whole essay, just imagine how many pages it'll take... huft. But nonetheless, i really love the way Ryousuke Nanasaki told his story from his perspective without covering too much (except the names ofc). His courage of "telling the whole truth" needs to be recognized.

The art.. ugh.. all i can say is.. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. And the mangaka really "captured" the emotions in their drawings.. and dont forget about the backgrounds, and all of the extras, they're drawn super beautifully. I'm really thankful for them to pick up the essay into a manga... ;-;

Just as i said before, this manga didnt fully cover all of the essay, and you can say that some characters are just shown at a glance... And some characters are not shown at all.. ;-;. But for the characters that are shown multiple times, the mangaka really did a good job of drawing them. And they're super memorable too ;-;.

Should you read this? Yes! Or maybe you can read the original essay too! It doesnt matter really, YOU NEED TO READ THIS STORY.

I really hope that this book will help more people in the future. And with time, people all over the world will gradually accept the differences in sexuality. At the end, we're all humans that deserves to be accepted no matter who we are by other people - and especially, ourselves.

10/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
Curiousmadra's avatar
Sep 19, 2020

Well it seems folks that the onions joined in when the wedding scene appeared, this is in the eyes of a young man named Ryousuke Nanasaki. This is actually my first shounen ai manga that's based on a true story and it just felt natural to see on a real life person's viewpoint from how they grew up to on their wedding day. It really shows this well in the manga and my hat goes off to Tsukizuki Yoshi who illustrated this like she did the art good lol! 

Definitely give this a read if you wanna see a touch of reality in the Yaoi manga world.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
mcarey393's avatar
Apr 3, 2022

    Amazing story and charcters! love how it's based on actual queer relationships! Love the realism. As someone who is also attracted to the same gender I could relate a lot to this story. Could defently relate to having an unrequited love on a friend. Some of the best queer representation in all of manga! This kind of stories are the reason I like reading bl is the amazing queer situations I can relate to.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
LailanD's avatar
Dec 19, 2020

It was such a heartwarming story. Ryousuke Nanasaki's suffering, hard time throughout all the story, was brilliant. I really loved this story a lot. And will I also, someday, if got the opportunity, support homosexual relationships. Despite being gay, they should see that the other person is human. We all have rights to fall in love and so, all the equal rights to fall in love with either same-sex or not. The point I came to hate heteros was this. Heteros hate homos. What the hell is this? Everyone has all the equal rights to do anything in their lives, don't judge people just because they are gay.

By the way, I'm not any LGBTQA+ but I highly regard them and respect them. I'm majorly interested in gay (tho) and since am a Fujoshi. Nice story, recommended highly to BL fans. Understanding it will get your heart melt :>

And also, by the way, I think, from my point of viewing the 2 cute guys, they both kind of look similar to each other. Good fate; meeting your love with the same name and a bit similar face... this story will hopefully move straight people's hearts too.

10/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Bloom19's avatar
Sep 25, 2022

Waow this was so freaking beautiful I tried not to cry but that was a failure. I have never read an autobiographies manga before it really was sad but also lovely story! <3

I have read a autobiographies book before that actually also was about a gay man that struggled a lot in his life with his sexuallity! But this manga was much better haha!

9/10 story
8/10 art
8.5/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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