Checkmate! Capture My Heart - Reviews

Alt title: Shui Lan Se Qi Ju

Checkmate! Capture My Heart
Potaple's avatar
Apr 30, 2023

This was such a joy to read! Extremely fluffy and cute - the characters are all lovable idiots that overcomplicate love and it's adorable!! Although the plot was quite simple, watching these wholesome lovebirds get into misunderstandings left and right was hilarious and very very sweet, definitely recommend! (The author also has other works that are super wholesome too and are also so lovely (eg. 'Engraved on my Heart', and 'Starting with a Lie'), and seeing the storyline connect together so well makes it extra lovely) 

9/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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bluebear1's avatar
Mar 3, 2023

I love this author's manhuas. The art is just amazing. The story is pretty good as well, and the characters are adorable. Overall, this manhua is great!💕

8/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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