Blood Type Love - Reviews

Blood Type Love
Manthika's avatar
Jan 5, 2020

The corny title should really say it all: it’s a hysterical cliché “romance” between a vampire and a human, and it’s hilarious

I’m always very hesitant about anything ‘vampire’ related because ever since twilight- they’ve all been campy, wish-fulfillment things for young teens.  But, personally, as someone who has always been the target of bugs, and thought that ‘lol if vampires were real they’d kill me instantly for my yummy blood’ reading the summary for this made me curious.  I’m glad it did, because this was very funny.  It’s not a story you can take seriously, but if you’re looking for a laugh with a bit of odd “romance” and clichés aplenty, then I’d recommend giving it a shot.  I could not stop laughing at the over dramatics of the vamps.  Big, pale dorks. 

The things to look out for are basically why I put “romance” in quotation marks.  Because I don’t consider a schoolgirl, who has been abused and is in need, being helped by a grown (very grown, and old) man- in exchange for her blood (!!!) to be any form of actual romance.  Certainly not a healthy one.  But taken with an entire tablespoon of salt, it is funny, and not the worst way to waste your time.  The characters do develop as the story goes on, which is all I can say without spoiling it. 

6/10 story
7/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
AFL's avatar
Oct 15, 2022

I can't believe I finally read this!! It's been on my list since ever and qnd I am glad I did! Story is pretty nice I just hoped it was longer. Art is also really good!

7/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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ReaperRiceCake's avatar
Sep 24, 2022

bloody sweet is a similar and better story. Typical shoujo "romance" (very few romantic scenes!) ML of bloody sweet is a gentle cutie, whereas ML of blood type love is a wood stick-assed tsundere (even a meanie, sometimes). He is very stiff and also very handsome!

In both, the almost pedo-daddy relationship annoys me (a 18year highschooler with a >100y grown old man?), thats the reason why nothing happens between them before FL reaches at last 20 years (time jumps). This side is more visible in blood type love. Plus, many cliché tropes, some cheap drama happens, the end is rushed and the manwha is ended with many questions unanswered (ML's sister etc...)

I put overall 6 because I cannot say its a bad one too... just average, for little girls....

6/10 story
8/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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