Bermuda - Reviews

LailanD's avatar
Aug 28, 2021

Such a nice, sweet, and blossom story UwU...

I swear I'm gonna miss it for the rest of my life! 

Though the art and plot was a bit weird at the start, they became so smooth and easy further each chapter. I really loved the way the author tried to portray 'homosexuality' and it's real meaning, and that 'gay' is just a word for discrimination..

However, other all, this manhua was awesome! Brilliant and my endless words are for congratulating it. Loved it a lot. The comedy was world's no.1 hilarious!! Bei Qing and Gao Leng were so cute (ᗒᗩᗕ) together!!!! I can't explain..

Well... Tbh, the only thing I cried at and didn't really like was... The old couple part. I mean, hey author, aren't you so cruel to have your characters go old and even Kill Bei Qing?!! That so... Crueeelll and tear jerking for me .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.

By the way...

Recommended for everyone who is a fan of fluffy BL with cute MC who's actually an uke, but is more stronger than his Seme ^^

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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