Ashi no Aji - Reviews

Alt title: The Taste of Legs

Ashi no Aji
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Aug 31, 2022

The story starts out with consensual interactions. But it then climaxes in a scene of sexual assault, during which the victim bonds with the assailaint and ends up liking the assault and wanting more. And while the implied interactions after that are consensual once again, the post-rape consent feels tainted and marred. Especially since (based on how things are written) it's questionable whether the author even realizes that the climactic interaction was portraying sexual assault, which then makes the characters feel like hollow blow-up dolls solely intended to provide sexual stimulation for those who wish to get lost in a sexual power fantasy where questions of consent just get in the way of getting off.

Anyway, long story short, there's a lot of leg-licking. So if that's something that you think you'd enjoy seeing, then this contains that.

4/10 story
6/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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JuicySempai's avatar
Apr 14, 2020

personaly don't have a leg fetish, but I really enjoyed this manga. The story is wholesome and calm, aswell as easy to read. It's short and enjoyable and I'm happy I took my time to read it. Would recomend. 

8/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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