Almond wo Nanatsubu - Reviews

Almond wo Nanatsubu
chellmasterfunk's avatar
Mar 10, 2023

I went into this with the lowest expectations. I was searching up "cheating seme" tags out of curiosity and based on the ratings I thought it was going to be like some of the other mangas under this tag, trash. 

It was pretty good honestly. The storyline was properly explained, and the love between the MCs grew gradually and came off as genuine. When the author wanted us to notice something was off they slowly put it in to make it apparent throughout the manga. The backstory gave understanding and depth to the characters. I liked it.

The artwork isn't my favorite, but was ok. I would recommend reading this. 

8/10 story
6.5/10 art
7/10 characters
7.2/10 overall
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