All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

Alt title: Bannou Bunka Nekomusume

Vol: 1; Ch: 3
3.407 out of 5 from 31 votes
Rank #32,571
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

When inventor Kyusaku Natsume transfers the brain of his son Ryunosuke's cat into a top secret android body, he doesn't lose a family pet...he gains a daughter! Nuku Nuku may appear to be a teenage girl, but her cute and cuddly exterior hides both the superhuman strength of the world's most advanced android chassis and the lightning quick senses and reflexes of a domestic feline. She'll need these abilities to defend Ryunosuke from the forces of Mishima Heavy Industries, a giant conglomerate run by the world's most ruthless businesswoman, Akiko Mishima, who, not-so-coincidentally, just happens to be Natsume's ex-wife and Ryunosuke's mother!

Source: ADV Manga

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