Alice's Dream Files - Reviews

Alice's Dream Files
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Jan 24, 2020

For a manga about entering someone's dream, this was probably the most bland dreamscape they could've come up with. I mean, the person dreaming is asleep inside of feir own dream...And the characters don't stand out (visually or personality-wise), so we end up with a bland world occupied by bland characters. And the dream monster is clearly intended to be cute, but it's not.

Also, this manga has a problem with awkward attempts to do exposition within the dialogue, which makes the exchanges feel unnatural and stupid. Here's a couple examples:

A: "I still wonder if I'm dreaming now." B: "This is definitely a dream, but at the same time it's real. You should know that."

A: "[Fe] spends 7 hours studying after school every day...And [fe] wants to take 10 subjects at O-Levels." B: "What are O-Levels? Is it food?" 

2/10 story
3/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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angelsreviews's avatar
Nov 9, 2013

I WANT MORE! This was such a good start to a manga and it just feels like the author coped out. It feels like it should be much longer because the storyline hints there is so much more that Alice needs to do and yet, it just stops. It’s just a chapter in a longer story. I love the idea that she goes into her dreams to help other people and I would really like to know weather she is just dreaming or if it’s actually happening. I also want  to know how Karl, her little pet rabbit turns human in the dream world. Is he a dream being? An Alien? An inter-dimensional being? Anything would be better then just the open ending that the author gave us.

The artwork is really lovely as normal for a shoujo, large pretty eyes and a cute design for the characters. The hair is really detailed and lines are soft with only a little bit of comedy ‘blank’ scenes where the artwork is made to give a comical affect. This isn’t used too often (partly because its so short…) so it adds a nice touch and lets you know the manga is ‘joking with you’.  The design of the other characters is pretty standard but I never seen someone with Alice’s hair style before making her stand out, if there is something out there like that, then I just haven’t seen it yet.

Again, it’s a perfect start but it sadly just ends making you want more. If the author is out there, please make more! I want to see how the story pans out.

7/10 story
8/10 art
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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