Akumu no Elevator - Reviews

Akumu no Elevator
EYOK's avatar
Dec 11, 2022

So, the story was really fun, I loved the twists, but the ending is anticlimatic. The tone shifts from comical to tragic too suddenly and it drops the fun. This had a lot of potential to be a longer series, but the scary final twist didn't feel part of the story. To be fair, it has the perfect foreshadowing, it wasn't badly written. But the tone wasn't done well. Imagine a tragedy where in the last scene the only character alive starts dancing and farting comicly. Or a romance where everything goes realistically but at the end an alien comes down to randomly shoot the couple. I mean, I was reading this and asking for more of this characters. Give me their daily life dealing with cases like this. Their dynamic was perfect. Probably I'm disliking the ending also beacuse the borderline disorder is not quite right. It makes you aggressive, but not a psycho mastermind. And in general I don't like when a personality disorder is the reason you are the villain. And even with the borderline disorder, this could have been a longer series of comically unfortunate events: make the disorder the reason they keep getting into trouble but still depict that person as a human. That would be a story I'd read. No reason to make things go as they went at the end. I'm not getting over it. I will never. I feel betrayed

7/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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