Akage no Anne (1997) - Reviews

Alt title: Anne of Green Gables (1997)

Akage no Anne (1997)
JEKs945's avatar
Sep 16, 2017

If you've ever the read the original "Anne of Green Gables" book series or seen the CBC mini series/TV movies (1985-1987), then you will probably love to know that there is a manga series too! Akage no Anne is part 1 of the series. This manga is like a overview of the first few books leading up to Anne's official relationship with Gilbert. Though parts of the books are omitted, the charm of Anne is still present and the dialogue matches with the books/films. Some characters were not as I pictured, but on the whole main features are kept. The art style reflects that of classic vintage mangas- I found it cute. I think if you love the original story this will be a nice read. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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