Adelaide - Reviews

Alt title: La Dolce Vita di Adelaide

Milved's avatar
Jun 28, 2020

The characters (especially the fl) were actually able to make rapid and thoughtful decisions, but I felt the storyline was too dragged out for me to actually enjoy the plot. Furthermore, the interactions with the villain felt rather repetitive, and the engagement at the end went on for far too long without any actual storyline, making the end rather boring.

At the start, the characters were rather enjoyable - no faffing around that is often present in other manga, but as the story progressed their development seemed to grow weaker rather than stronger. The fl is smart (nice!), but doesn't act like she's reincarnated. The prince doesn't act like he has any real power (as opposed to princes in other stories) and doesn't garner much respect from the characters, and the villain is very cunning at the start, but appears to lose that cunningness as the story progresses.

Overall, would recommend reading the story on a lazy afternoon, but don't expect any gripping action to draw you in.

5/10 story
9/10 art
7.5/10 characters
7.1/10 overall
yurinddr's avatar
Jul 9, 2020

The ending is cute and all, also the relationship between Adelaide and Felix is adorable. What I didn't like is the fast phase of the story, maybe it's just me, but I wanted more from Adelaide and Felix.

But overall it's a lovely manga.

7/10 story
6/10 art
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
molopower's avatar
May 11, 2022

It's mind-numbingly boring, there's basically no conflict and the antagonist is dumber than a rock

5/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
runouce's avatar
Jul 3, 2020

Story: 5.5/10

The story is... You'll be able to guess nearly all of it by only reading the first few chapters. By "all of it" i mean: ALL OF IT.

That is not really a bad thing though as long as the manhwa itself is enjoyable. I can see the charm of reading a manhwa that's not strong in it's story, and this one executed it rather well if you are into these kind of things.

Art: 7/10

Again, it's enjoyable. Nothing too grand.

BUT, an "enjoyable" art means they've done their job splendidly.

That means they've done the background / characters / items / etc really well to the point where you can just glance over it without thinking that there's something wrong about it.

And that's a feat worth of praise. They didn't try to outdone themselves, they were just doing their jobs REALLY well.

Characters: 6.5/10


But enjoyable!

And that's also a feat within itself! Why? The same reason as what I've said before about it's art.

What holds me back from giving this a higher score is: they are just enjoyable without any glaring quality-breaking flaws. But they do not offer anything more than that.

Other than that, the characters are EXTREMELY well executed. The more you read other shttty manga/hwa/hua, the more you'll appreciate the quality of the characters in this manhwa.

Overall: 6/10

An extremely well executed manhwa, but it doesn't really have much of something new to offer.

Do i recommend it? I can, i guess..

You'll know if this manhwa is for you or not based on the first few chapters anyway, so give it a try!

5.5/10 story
7/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
YaoiGodAbove20's avatar
Dec 10, 2020

my problem is with the Korean self-proclaimed saint trope that's been used in abandoned empress 

?/10 story
?/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall