A Home Far Away

Alt title: Haruka Tooki Ie

Vol: 1; Ch: 6
2020 - 2021
4.39 out of 5 from 367 votes
Rank #77
A Home Far Away

In the winter of 1990, a young man named Alain finds himself lost and searching for direction. He currently cannot find it at home nor through the church. But when he meets Hayden, a free-spirited cook, he at least finds someone he can relate with. He may not know where his life is going but at least he has someone to lean on. But Alan's new life, filled with new feelings and many new challenging experiences, may force him to find his path on the road...

Source: Denpa

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My heart...MY HEART really is in shambles right now. This story felt like uncountable whiplashes on my scattered heart. It broke my heart,crushed it,then again stomped on it and finally destroyed it. LORD this story is painstakingly and cruelly beautiful. I had to take in deep and long breaths just to pass through every single pannel without crying but who am i kidding?obviously i terribly failed. The devotion and suffocation of love of this story left me utterly in misery. Their imperfectly perfect love was so unbearably wonderful!!! I had a gut feeling that the ending would break me like no other,but still knowing or predicting it beforehand doesn't lessen the pain a bit,does it?? The story,their character,their suffocation,their pain all just All pierced right though my entire being. The depth of their characters,their dialogues,their unfair circumstances,the mistreatment thrown their way until they had to cut all kind of ties with the world! Each and everything was portrayed is such a painstakingly painful and captivating way! I'm at a loss of words. I'm not even exaggerating.....love can be salvation and the reason to take it away at the same time,is it not? A love where it's them against the whole world. Such powerful love and also so sorrowful. ALAN AND HAYDEN DESERVED THE WHOLE WORLD BUT THE WORLD WAS SOOO FREAKING CRUEL TO THEM! Then again i do love to rip my heart apart this way over and over gain. SUCH A OVERWHELMINGLY AND UNSPEAKABLY PAINFUL MASTERPIECE IT IS BUT FUCK WHAT DID THEY EVER DO WRONG TO DESERVE SUCH FATE?!?!?! ALL THEY WANTED WAS TO FIND A PLACE FOR BELONGING,A PLACE TO FEEL LIKE HOME,A SOMEONE WHO THEY COULD CALL THEIR HOME!!!!THEY REMAINED TOGETHER UNTIL TO THE VERY LAST BREATH! 

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