A Het Girl Finds Herself at a Lesbian Matchmaker Party

Alt titles: A Straight Girl Wanders Into a Lesbian Mixer, Lesbian Goukon to Mayoikonda Nonke no Musume

Vol: 1; Ch: 13
2018 - 2019
3.37 out of 5 from 169 votes
Rank #33,590
A Het Girl Finds Herself at a Lesbian Matchmaker Party

A woman goes to a mixer hoping to find a boyfriend, but somehow ends up in a mixer for lesbians! Another woman notices how nervous she is and proposes acting as her protector, and soon the entire group plays something called the "Lesbian Queen Game", where the ladies drink booze and enact each other's fetishes. All of this seems truly bizarre, but as time goes on, the "straight" woman begins to wonder if she might be a lesbian herself!

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