A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation - Reviews

Alt title: Odayaka Kizoku no Kyuuka no Susume.

A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation
SululuXD's avatar
May 21, 2021

Be warned, there are strong, strong homoerotic undertones, but it isn’t so overbearing as to turn a super-straight guy like me away. The protagonist has somewhat novel origins. Instead of an Isekai whereby a person reincarnates or transfers from Earth, in this manga, the main character is isekai’d from a similar fantasy world of medieval times + magic, where he had held noble status working under a king. Aside from that, it’s a stereotypical isekai adventure to become stronger and rise through the ranks of the adventurer’s guild, because it ain’t isekai unless there’s an adventurer’s guild for some reason. The protagonist isn’t O.P., but he does start out strong, so there can be a little bit of progression on that front. But side characters are one-dimensional, and even the main characters, who initially appear to have some depth, turn out to be pretty surface level. It’s still early on in the manga, so there's room for improvement, but as of right now, it's below-average in the isekai genre.

5/10 story
6/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
MangaXexperts's avatar
Jan 8, 2022

Well this is a breath of fresh air because there are no annoying female characters so far and this manga is filled with bromance to the max. Only read it if you want a light hearted adventure.

6/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
FluffyNightmare's avatar
Apr 24, 2022

A laid-back, warm plot that perfectly mirrors the title.

In summary, this is a go-to if you looks for some healing time. For those seeking thrill and action, sadly, I have to say that you won't find anything interesting here. Sometimes vacations are the best to spend relaxing.

If you're looking for fantasy without a massive amount of action, it may be one for you. The story follows a mysterious traveller, who despite his obvious noble appearance wants nothing more than to be an adventurer. He befriends a powerful swordsman and starts his "vacation". Nothing more, nothing less.

Overall, the plot is mostly slow and relaxing but has moments of tension. Well, as much tension as you can get when all the main characters are quite powerful. But struggling against adversaries isn't what you should expect. You probably won't get all excited about the fighting with bandits or conquering the dungeon - we're not here for that. The characters are taking us on vacations with some pleasant adventures, where readers and characters are safe to enjoy the ride.

It seems that the main problem that people speak of is homosexuality. The story is never officially tagged as BL because it is not one. The relationships between characters can be interpreted as romantic but there is never a direct acknowledgement. You won't find any romance in it unless you look for one. All interactions are portrayed as platonic. Personally, being a fan of the romance of any type, I didn't catch all that much of it on my first reading, simply wishing there was more. Only on the second try I noticed the potential of some scenes and lines. As for my friends, some didn't even have a hunch until someone pointed it out. Suma sumarum, it's not a romance unless you want it to be one.

On the topic of characters, they are very likeable in that laid-back fashion. They aren't underdogs to sympathize with nor antiheroes made for us to question the morality of the world. The whole main cast is extremely capable in their own specialities, never truely being in danger. But that actually works for the story, as the reader can simply relax and enjoy their adventures.

The world is a classic fantasy one, nothing all too revolutionary, maybe aside from the fantasy-to-fantasy isekai accident at the core of the plot. The gentle and beautiful art style helps to bring more life into it despite the genericness.

10/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
RavensFlight's avatar
Apr 18, 2024

I've gotten so lucky with this set of reviews! Another absolute banger from the genre. A cute and fun adventure of boyfriends! (who are clarified to just be friends who all happen to be boys). I love the choice to have someone isekai'd from a fantasy world to another fantasy world; these stories exist but they're much less common. I love how the main character is such a little rat bastard and how he interacts with everyone! The side characters are adorable! This is such a fun cozy little adventure! The stakes are below low, and it means it can focus on the important things like exploring and hanging out. Need a million chapters. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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