A Beautiful Body - Reviews

Alt title: Utsukushii Karada

A Beautiful Body
lyledez's avatar
Jan 28, 2024

spoilers ahead. this one has very beautiful art and a really unhealthy relationship.

Michiru needs therapy. Yuji is better than that awful, manipulative old artist (Taisen) that groomed Michiru for 15 years. but Yuji also kind of sees Michiru as a work of art, and not so much as an actual person. he states multiple times the desire to "mark" Michiru as his. it's kind of overbaring and creepy imo.

Yuji also has unresolved issues as an artist. he quit being a painter because he compared himself to Taisen and got insecure. and Michiru was Taisen muse, so... a lot of complicated things and feelings going on. they both have unresolved issues and traumas. just look at what Michiru did to his own back and face!

it does ends in a happy note. and Michiru gets to experience more of the world and find out for himself what is it that he wants to do.

anyway... i don't really know how i feel about this manga. it made me restless, i think? but the artwork is indeed very beautiful.

?/10 story
10/10 art
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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chellmasterfunk's avatar
Nov 22, 2021

This story was written beautifully and the artwork was amazing. I wish I would've gotten a little bit more from it, so that's why it didn't get a 10 but for the most part I thought it was beautifully executed. 

9/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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