-50kg Cinderella - Reviews

-50kg Cinderella
DumplingKimchiMochi's avatar
Nov 8, 2023

Surprisingly this is a good manga to read. A modern cinderella without the evil stepmother nor stepsiblings nor horrible misfortune. Both MC were very kind and fortunate in their life. There's no mischief or even negative dramas. With minor situation they need to overcome. Their relationship were healthy and they are meant to be together. 

If course before reading this, I've gone through so many comments especially on fat shaming. Please this is not the case here. Yes she's obese but decided to change her life for her prince charming. It's for her own betterment both for her own health, well being and heart. I'm glad she become a pretty slim girl before meeting him again. 

7.5/10 story
8/10 art
7.5/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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