30 Minutes. - Reviews

30 Minutes.
Jlnel's avatar
Sep 30, 2020

pretty cute manga story its just a little confusing but maybe its just me,i usually perfer this type of art in a manga. Hat girl was cute and watch girl went well with hat girl guess overall its a cute one shot that if there was a 20 chap version of it i would 100% read it

6/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
Curiousmadra's avatar
Jul 12, 2022

Dude this manga didn't feel like 30 minutes, it was literally 5 seconds that I noticed that was the story. Ugh this is a pity it didn't appear as a whole 5 chapters story at least..

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
5/10 overall
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nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Dec 25, 2021

"Have you noticed? Ten minutes have passed already," the one girl says to the other...which means that I am supposed to interpret the extremely brief conversation I just read as taking place over the course of ten minutes in-world. I know it's silly, but that might be asking for more suspension of disbelief than I am capable of. I actually re-read these panels starting from when that girl first said they had ten minutes to spare until fe said those ten minutes were over and I timed it. Even reading the dialogue slowly and including some appropriate pauses between bubbles, this back and forth should only take three or four minutes at most. No where near the ten minutes.

Anyway, I don't think the story sets the stage well enough for me to know what's going on without having to rely on the synopsis. The events that are happening are super mundane and don't feel worth building a story around.  The artwork is really well done, except for the fact that the two characters look the same. I mean, there's literally only two characters and they look interchangeable. The character personalities aren't given enough time to solidify (and the non-hat character just comes across as a jerk who could've handled that situation far more gracefully).

1/10 story
9/10 art
2/10 characters
2/10 overall
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