The 101st Heroine - Reviews

Alt title: 101-beonjjae Yeojuingong

The 101st Heroine
Manthika's avatar
Apr 8, 2020

Medieval fantasy 'the bachelorette' complete with voting out contestants, interviews, and the comedy one expects from a gameshow.  Honestly, the concept is hysterical, I can't get enough of it.  It's definitely above average, but I wouldn't put it as 'the best of the best' because it's not. 

7/10 story
7/10 art
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
MetaStar's avatar
Aug 9, 2020


The idea of reincarnation of MC was totally unnessecary as didn't affect the story in anyway at all it hasn't even been mentioned except for the first chapter or two. I personally didn't like mc's personallity it felt.... too nice? The story itself isn't bad it might even be full of surprises for some people. Do I recommend it ? Well as something to read to pass time or while waiting for your favourite manga to update this might be a good choice.  

7/10 story
8/10 art
1/10 characters
6/10 overall
tempesthorne99's avatar
Mar 31, 2021


Evie is such a fascinating character herself. Tbh she's an ordinary pretty face albeit a little more extra. I'm just pissed at the alot because it was made obvious that she's just a tool for the royal family and she definitely won't gain the title. It's like everything she does is for naught. So the excitement of the plot went downhill for me like that. Because there is no clear direction. They revealed an important part of the story early on. Now, i'm not even sure what the hell is she doing in the competition. Lol. The characters themselves are wonderful but they have been put in a shallow plot.


Reborn as a commoner daughter, Evie has been living a quiet life in the boonies, when one day she discovered that her boyfirend cheated on her by marrying a girl from the capital. In a fit of rage, she decided to enter the contest to be a crown princess candidate, and to her surprise she was picked as 101 candidate. Was this a stroke of luck or just another unlucky circumstance?

6/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
Lulu1999's avatar
Sep 27, 2020

I like this idea about everyone being the protagonist of their own story,  this brilliant 💜

9.5/10 story
9.5/10 art
9.5/10 characters
10/10 overall
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LuckyM's avatar
Mar 31, 2022

I will admit it is a bit slow at times, however it does little to subtract from the rest of the story. Overall, the story is very unique (is that how it is spelled?). I cant go into detail because of spoilers, however the nature of the world the story takes place in was inguenious, and took a completley diffirent spin to the troupe it uses. I also loved the way that the main character continued to hold onto their modern ideals of equality and fairness, as well as her tomboyish charm. The romance had a lot of tension that was appropriate due to the situation. There are some plot twists, however the style of the story telling is set up in "third person omnisient" pov, so the audience is awear of most of character's secrets early on, but it deffinetly doesnt take away from the story, I believe it helps it. 

10/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
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