What made or ruined your day?

WRMD/MMD: Found a super cheap copy of a board game I had been looking at, was poised to buy it, and then shipping was calculated and it made the game as much used as it would be new. I was bummed, but then decided I would just take the general premise, tweak it to my satisfaction, and then make my own, so now I have an ugly version of a beautiful game I wanted. Half a win!

Good one. Nah. Journalism hasn't been about actual nonbiased reporting for a good few years. And yet they complain that they're "being targeted" when people notice that they're biased and report dishonestly all the time.

While I can't deny that there's a fair amount of dishonesty in journalism, my biggest gripe is the lack of impartiality. More often than not reporters are being "honest," but it's honestly just their opinion. It used to be editorials were where you go to find opinions, but now everything is written seeped in opinion yet reported as news.
While I can't deny that there's a fair amount of dishonesty in journalism, my biggest gripe is the lack of impartiality. More often than not reporters are being "honest," but it's honestly just their opinion. It used to be editorials were where you go to find opinions, but now everything is written seeped in opinion yet reported as news.
I was talking more about leaving out information when it's convenient and changing the context of things. Both fox news and CNN do this at times. Not sure anyone but CNN cuts guests mics when they're about to say something they don't agree with though XD
If only more countries were like Japan honestly in terms of gun control regulation. They've basically almost eliminated gun crime with how harsh their regulations are with that so it does actually make a difference when accessibility is limited to such a degree.
I don't think it's about gun control per se, I think it's more about culture and mindset. The crime rate overall in Japan is very low. We have strict gun control here, but our violent crime rate is going through the roof, particularly with knife crime.
WRMD: Scrolling through my photos to find pics of the gazebo I built my mom last summer to send to a guy who wants a shed built. They happened to be sandwiched between a bunch of photos of my ex. It was like getting punched in the gut all over again. On the plus side, I finally got around to scrubbing my phone of all evidence that we were ever a thing. Hitting delete that many times feels like deleting my feelings. It's somewhat satisfying, plus now I don't have to worry about ever seeing those again.
WRMD: Scrolling through my photos to find pics of the gazebo I built my mom last summer to send to a guy who wants a shed built. They happened to be sandwiched between a bunch of photos of my ex. It was like getting punched in the gut all over again. On the plus side, I finally got around to scrubbing my phone of all evidence that we were ever a thing. Hitting delete that many times feels like deleting my feelings. It's somewhat satisfying, plus now I don't have to worry about ever seeing those again.

Sending lots of love and good vibes your way. I'm sure you'll find the perfect person for you someday. <3