The Perfect Insider

Episode 8
I'd seen somewhere about a magnificent sunset or sunrise in the show - I don't recall where I'd read about it - but it caused me to pay special attention to the lighting effects of the dawn sky while Moe and Saikawa were talking. (They -were- well done.) I've decided that's the best way to enjoy this show: pay attention to something else while all the characters just keep on talking...

Plot has gotten stupid - everyone's going to lie to the police. Then Saikawa says he's discovered something but stupid Moe doesn't have him tell her, and by extension he doesn't tell us. Instead, we get treated to yet more backstory that again rehashes the aftermath outcome of the murders, with no new information added.
Three episodes to go...
Episode 8
I'd seen somewhere about a magnificent sunset or sunrise in the show - I don't recall where I'd read about it - but it caused me to pay special attention to the lighting effects of the dawn sky while Moe and Saikawa were talking. (They -were- well done.) I've decided that's the best way to enjoy this show: pay attention to something else while all the characters just keep on talking...

Plot has gotten stupid - everyone's going to lie to the police. Then Saikawa says he's discovered something but stupid Moe doesn't have him tell her, and by extension he doesn't tell us. Instead, we get treated to yet more backstory that again rehashes the aftermath outcome of the murders, with no new information added.
Three episodes to go...
I haven't watched the episode yet and I feel like I haven't spoiled anything of value by reading what you put in spoiler tags. That's how bad this show is! :-D
I haven't watched the episode yet and I feel like I haven't spoiled anything of value by reading what you put in spoiler tags. That's how bad this show is! :-D

Yeah, there's not nearly enough plot to fill 11 episodes. The middle drags serious ass as they keep spinning in circles waiting until they can finally reveal the dumb and underwhelming answer.
Episode 8
Basically everything I expect from this series at this point (aka stupid and boring crap). The sunrise thing was indeed good looking but that was the only thing positive I can say about this and it doesn't make up for the crappy, almost nonexistent plot and boring, forgettable characters.
Episode 9
This episode races along at a lightning pace compared to everything that has come before.
I hate murder mysteries that are solved using facts that we, the audience, weren't given. I consider it poor/lazy writing when convenient plot devices appear in the story just to resolve the mystery; when those weren't in evidence before and the viewer had no way of knowing these facts. Magata's condition feels like just such a plot device.
The more I think on this, the more upsetting it is to me. I really do hate deus ex machina plot devices.
This pregnancy/unknown daughter did it plot point feels sooooo implausible. I mean, really? For 15 years, this secret was successfully hidden? Come on.
I once read a mystery book where the killer turned out to be the victim's identical twin sister, who was never mentioned or even hinted at as existing until the need for the mystery to be resolved at the end of the book. So lame! (I'll not be reading any other mystery books by this author! LOL)

This anime is giving me that same feeling. It's more believable to me that space aliens transported into Magata's room from another galaxy, and THEY murdered her.
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@Sianeka I understand your frustration. I just finished episode 10 and I'm rendered speechless.
I get the whole idea but I can only ask: "why?" Why go into that direction from the
beginning? It's not necessarily a bad conclusion, but they could have given a more logical and reasonable explanation, if the body wasn't on display like that in the first place. But noooo! They had to cut limbs to make it dramatic! :seriously:

Was it @ZetsubouKaiji who said that they go into the Matrix and meet with Magata? I had really high hopes for that. (I forgot this is not a sci-fi anime) If she would have done everything from the virtual world I would have enjoyed it 10 thousands more than this! As @Sianeka said, even aliens would make more sense at this point.
I find it sooo hard to keep my post "clean". Took me more than 15 minutes to achieve a post without swearing.
They had to cut limbs to make it dramatic!

Not that I disagree with how shitty the solution to the mystery is, but
there was a good reason to cut the limbs off. At first everyone was focused on the corpse to having its limbs removed, because they thought the killer was using her finger prints to move around the facility since all the locks were finger print activated and Magata was the only one with access to everything. However, with the reveal that body was Magata's daughter, the limbs were cut off to cover up the finger prints being different. If just the arms had been cut off then it would have been a bit too obvious so arms and legs are removed.

As for the daughter thing, that's not really the problem, either. I think we started guessing there was a daughter after the third or fourth episode. When it became clear there was some fucked up sex going on my first thought was an illicit child. What's dumb is most the stuff in between and the anime cheat like hell to make the logic of everything work out. There are several large holes in Magata's master plan and they're not even subtle they're glaring.
Not that I disagree with how shitty the solution to the mystery is, but
there was a good reason to cut the limbs off. At first everyone was focused on the corpse to having its limbs removed, because they thought the killer was using her finger prints to move around the facility since all the locks were finger print activated and Magata was the only one with access to everything. However, with the reveal that body was Magata's daughter, the limbs were cut off to cover up the finger prints being different. If just the arms had been cut off then it would have been a bit too obvious so arms and legs are removed.

As for the daughter thing, that's not really the problem, either. I think we started guessing there was a daughter after the third or fourth episode. When it became clear there was some fucked up sex going on my first thought was an illicit child. What's dumb is most the stuff in between and the anime cheat like hell to make the logic of everything work out. There are several large holes in Magata's master plan and they're not even subtle they're glaring.

Aww, shit!!! I rewrote that post so many times, trying not to swear and now it's unintelligible. My bad! :D

I understood the "how" of the conclusion. That's why I said it is not necessarily a bad one (based on the explanations we get in the anime and everything you said).
My problem was with the "why", with the construction of the plot from the very beginning. As in "why the fuck would they do that?" :D
The story is bullshit and it can only reach one of two logical conclusions: the killer is either Magata or the daughter. And in both cases it takes 15 years and massive loopholes for it to work. That is not reasonable and that is my issue.
The 15 years part. Sure, I can ignore that! It's unlikely but not improbable.
Now, there are to many wrong things with the whole daughter thing. How was Magata able to confine her without the other people working there noticing? Sure, the uncle would have helped her since it was his kid and all, but what about his wife, the guards, the other programmers? Unless the last episode has a really good explanation for the conclusion I call bullshit.

What I am trying to say is that if the body still had the limbs, the conclusion could have been different and (maybe) better.
I hope I did a better job at explaining myself this time.
Episode 10

This episode pretty much wraps up everything. So I wonder what can be in the last episode?
As if having a heretofore unshown daughter as killer, they now make it more preposterous that this unknown girl is now actually the victim. And she's been fooling everyone for years - this 15 year old child was mistaken as 29 year old Dr. Magata (shouldn't that be 30 year old?) in camera appearances and in death.

Cause 15 year old teenagers look so much like 30 year old adults.

/me is shaking head at the ridiculousness of it all.

So, I had to see what is possibly left, what more foolishness they could heap on.

Episode 11
What else? More talky philosophical natter. OMG, I hated the entire discussion between Magata and Saikawa. And then I hated the conversation between Saikawa and Moe. (What did Saikawa find so dang funny, anyway?) And THEN, I hated the mother-daughter moonlight chat. (What the heck was the point? Magata advising her daughter to continue to seek "kindness" in life, when she was just going to kill the girl anyway?) And then that ending. What the heck was that?????

Someone explain to me why I watched this?

It was pretty pointless as a drama, or a mystery; it had next to no suspense in it. And the thin (ridiculous) plot was dragged out far too long. And waaaaaaaay too much narrative and armchair philosophy. Talk, talk, talk. Then MORE talk. It couldn't decide what kind of show it wanted to be. And zero character development. Still, I wanted to see how it ended and the animation quality was decent and I enjoyed the OP every time.

So, final score from me is 3 stars.

And I don't regret seeing it. It was kind of a waste of time, but I'm glad I saw it and know what it is. And I am especially glad to have been able to watch it with my anime buddies @FriendlyDemon, @Vega and @ZetsubouKaiji as part of FYAB participation. Plus others who shared their thoughts as well. This was a good experience, even given how disappointing the anime show turned out to be.
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That made me giggle!
But there are kids here and I haven't read the forum guidelines yet so I might go overboard. Nonetheless, thank you!
(I swear A LOT irl so it's not that bad to try to express my thoughts different. I have the best words!!!!)

Don't be afraid to go overboard. No matter how much you swear you'll never go as overboard as @Thrawn in certain anime threads =P