The case files of Jeweler Richard

Episode 2

Or, maybe I'm just not understanding something properly (or misunderstanding those scenes). But to me, those scenes feel like a parent scolding their child for asking a question out of innocent curiosity...and that rubs me the wrong way.

It's not the anime that's uptight, but Richard himself. He's suave, worldly and he's become overcautious after years of dealing with the sensitive issues of customers. One of the things about the second episode is the case wouldn't have been solved as quickly if Seigi hadn't been a bit more aggressive in his question. It's a yin and yang sort of thing where Seigi needs to learn a bit more decorum and prudence if he's going to work in such a refined world, but Richard can be a bit too passive at times in an attempt to always be sensitive to his clients.
The main issue to me was that his questions and comments were kind of... othering? They weren't awful by any means and it's pretty clear that Seigi doesn't mean anything bad by them, but there was a bit of "those people" quality to them that could easily slip into his interactions with people if he's not careful. Microaggressions isn't the right word here, but a similar sense of "very small things add up when you experience them over and over and over" and it's best if Seigi pays very close attention now to his mindset while he's still a part-timer learning the business instead of accidentally offending someone well-off enough to deal with a jeweler later. I'm bi and am not fond of the "that sort of person" kind of language about myself because it's been too often used by judgmental people around me with an air of "they could never be like us", though I would've been fine with what Seigi meant to say when he was talking about Mami without that wording.

I also expect that Richard is especially sensitive to certain things, particularly being an obvious foreigner, and that comes into play too. Having questions doesn't always mean you're entitled to answers. it's like, if one keeps asking/saying things the way Seigi phrases them with a bunch of small, seemingly harmless incidents which build up, it can influence someone's way of interacting if it's not corrected?
A sort of "social nuance" thing, I'm guessing (especially in a workplace). So that's why Richard kept correcting him...yea, that makes sense. I still feel Richard doesn't have much of a personality, but his actions regarding Seigi's comments make sense now.

And you're right; though not getting an answer can be frustrating to someone who is curious, it's not like people have to answer. I actually have trouble with that concept if I can be totally honest, since I'm always asking "why?" and such. Thank you for explaining it! I don't really get social norms and what-not, so I super appreciate your explanation. it's like, if one keeps asking/saying things the way Seigi phrases them with a bunch of small, seemingly harmless incidents which build up, it can influence someone's way of interacting if it's not corrected?
A sort of "social nuance" thing, I'm guessing (especially in a workplace). So that's why Richard kept correcting him...yea, that makes sense. I still feel Richard doesn't have much of a personality, but his actions regarding Seigi's comments make sense now.

Yes, exactly. Seigi's not being a bad person or anything, he just needs to be mindful of a clientele that well may be far more diverse than he's used to dealing with on an everyday basis even if it's just him and Richard talking about things. It's okay to be curious about things, but some things you just have to google on your own time. ;)

And I kinda agree on Richard not having much of a personality yet. It's still early and he's a bit of an archetype (one I personally like but an archetype all the same), so I'm hoping there's room for his character to expand more as the show goes on.

this was quite insightful and sweet actually. I'm liking it.

Episode 3:

Richard being pouty about sweets was cute. It fit well to show a slightly childish side to him this episode. I appreciate how cute and sweet this episode was while still having a nice lesson about communication and family. After last week's more depressing episode I liked the lighter tone of this one.

When having kids in anime there's always the risk that they'll end up being annoying, but Hajime managed to hold himself together fairly well even knowing his father had lied to him about Milk. Little Hajime's life is about to change with his mother giving birth so some outbursts from him are to be expected.

Very good stuff again. I like this show a lot.
Ep 3

Not as emotional as last week's ep, thank goodness, but sweet all the same. I like how Richard must just be the only jeweler in town, so even elementary schoolers can conveniently find their way to his shop to try and buy gems just like their parents. Hajime definitely could've been a lot more obnoxious than he was, but I think he ended up coming across very much like an upset kid trying to be brave and grown up so he could do something important. And Koji Yusa as the dad was some excellent casting - they keep pulling in surprisingly big names for this show.

And all the talk from last week about Seigi's assumptions/behavior that Richard chided him for... I think it showed up more this week in how he handled Hajime, being too quick to assume things initially instead of just waiting and watching. Seigi's good at picking up things about people when he doesn't let ideas he already has in mind affect his judgment, but he gets hasty. Whatever happened with him as a kid (ooh, backstory hints!) definitely skewed some things with Hajime this time, but fortunately it worked out okay.

But anyway, yay for more bits of character stuff with Richard the sweets addict obliquely going hdu give my cheesecake away, no raise for you and more hints about Seigi's attraction to anyone with knowledge of gemstones.
Episode 3

That was a cute episode; I'm glad the cat is okay!
Still a bit of a head-scratcher that the father just didn't tell Hajime that someone was going to look after Milk until the baby is born.
Even if Hajime didn't see his father take Milk away in a carrier, the other thing to worry about would be if Milk ran away and got hurt or lost. The kid isn't five years old...though, maybe it was just to show that kids understand more than adults give them credit for.

Glad to be learning something about Richard; I can't really say that his personality is completely at "stale bread" level anymore what with that newly revealed fact about him loving sweets.
Though, Seigi was a little more obnoxious than usual at the start and I can definitely see how his behavior would put off customers. I'm actually surprised that Richard didn't try to correct him. Curious about his backstory, but I had a feeling that Richard wouldn't it'll have to develop on its own I suppose.

I'll raise my rating of this a little, I suppose.

yo I was so mad, taking the cat with no explanation like that? That's such a dumb move. At least all's well that ends well.

Don't lie to your kids about stuff like cats bro, it's not that hard to figure out that when you're a parent that doesn't explain things your kid's gonna be unsatisfied
Better episode than the first two for sure
I really really really like this show. It seems a lot of people felt it wasn't really their gem, but I just hope people try for at least maybe five episodes. I am sure a lot will see they were wrong.
There is just something calming about seeing the stones and jewelry, plus the stories we get to hear with it.
I will be honest. The MC sometimes annoys be a little with his whole "justice" thing, but I will give it a pass because I don't mind at the same time. It's ok.
I really like the moments we get between Seigi and Richard. I am curious as to their background, and I feel we will get to know it soon enough. Just gotta be patient:) Maybe there will even be some sort of connection between the backstories? Not necessarily that they have met etc, but that their backstories are similar on a deeper level.
Curious to see
Episode 4

This anime is teaching me more about social norms than I thought it would.
It's hard to keep up with both that information and all the info about gemstones while retaining both...then again, I guess the social information is something most watchers of the anime already know (can't say the same for me XD ).

I was a little disappointed in the rest of the episode, though. I'm fine with the whole "sitting and talking" stuff since I've read Miss Marple and all, but I want to know more about the main characters over the "client of the day".
What also drew me to the show initially was Seigi's strong sense of justice and being able to stand up to people (like how he met Richard in the first episode). Sadly, most of the time the anime treats him like most Sherlock-esque animes treat their Watson character:
Like a bumbling idiot (who often lacks common sense and needs everything explained to them).

The pattern is a little dull, to be honest...and Richard's stoicism isn't helping matters in that regard. I feel this anime is thus far lacking in its character department. Even the plot is a bit contrived in how Richard just goes "Sherlock" with people, as demonstrated this episode.
There's a lack of any sort of challenging mystery to make up for the lack of character growth, as well (where-as in Sherlock Holmes, though I'm not a huge fan of Sherlock's character, the mystery itself was enough to keep me interested).
In that case, though it certainly has a relaxing vibe, it's a little too relaxing; I nearly fell asleep during this episode.

I don't mind the "slice of life" relaxing atmosphere in the anime, but it needs to really start to focus more on its protagonists and not the "client of the day".
This is what I’d call a “beauty” type anime I look forward to watching every week :)
I do think it depends on the context of the situation and how you phrase your words, but I do agree words like “you’re so pretty” can come across as evaluative and precocious.

It was a very thoughtful episode that reminded me of how I might be offending people unintentionally.

Boy, this anime gets better by the episode.
This is beautiful stuff. I initially assumed there was something more to her story, but the resolution was at a depth I couldn't have anticipated. And dick truly is right, amidst the gemstone analogies. Hard work and perseverance, will indeed beat out natural intrinsic qualities given time, and build a far stronger sense of character.

And like they said, that's just proven by Garnet Girl's self-aware yet happy nature, and how she can self-reflect but still be positive. Even for people like that it can be discouraging to see all the diamonds and rubys around you get unconditional praise with no work, so richard's words were no doubt invigorating as a reminder.
I seriously love this show. You get to learn more about gems, and also brings up adult issues while also having some wonderful moments in it.
Lifelessions 10/10
I kinda wanted that mail to be for real, but I also kinda knew it probably had to do with Seigi's comments. I was worried Richard would say something like he felt uncomfortable that people called him beautiful all the time etc, and in a way, I feel that is true? At least when the comments are just thrown all ways.
Seigi wasn't really at his best this episode
.....but i do ship them now
i MEAN.. I feel the opening to all of this is just another clue that huhuhuuu
Ep 4

What I probably should've taken away from this episode: diamonds being artificially inflated in cost vs their actual value and rarity (in the context of the customer feeling like she'll never be a diamond), intrinsic worth, the need to watch one's words, etc.

What I actually took away from this episode:



Oh, Seigi, hero to all oblivious bisexuals everywhere, making his friend super jealous by breathlessly talking up his boss 24/7. Going right along with that Holmes & Watson vibe, I see.

I would like it if we moved on past Seigi sticking his foot in his mouth soon, but I do like how much his chatter is borne out of genuine interest in people and in trying to help/comfort them. Just like how I enjoy imagining that Richard must be thinking "I thought Japan had a reputation for leaving things unspoken, wtf Seigi".
Episode 4:

This episode was quite lovely in its simplicity. I like a show that's confident enough to take a simple story and run with it without throwing in some twist in an effort to blow my mind.

I also disagree that the show isn't developing its main characters. I find their interactions are slowly rounding them out as characters. I like that it's not being handled in big dramatic sweeps, but coming out naturally through their day to day interactions because that's the way to truly get to know someone.
I like how they touched on diamonds just being a marketing ploy. They're just shallow, compressed carbon without any actual worth. Since they're abundant.

I'm glad they brought up the bro-mance. Seigi x Richard <3

I want to know how Richard keeps such healthy skin with that appetite for sweets. lol
Episode 5:

Always sad when our heroes don't live up to their reputation. It's a good reason to not put people on a pedestal though and still remember the good that person did.

Richard providing Seigi with a shoulder to cry on was probably about as gay as this show is going to get.

Another simple, but enjoyable episode with some nice character development.
Richard providing Seigi with a shoulder to cry on was probably about as gay as this show is going to get.

It's true... but I maintain that Seigi is on the slow track to working out the fact that he's bi for smart people who like gemstones and Richard is there waiting for him to figure it out already. He's a patient man, he can keep dropping hints and pulling up in his cool car to save Seigi from the rain. He planted the seeds in the second episode, he knows it takes time for them to grow.

But yeah, much as I would like this show to be gay, I'm okay that it's not bc it does have a lot of interesting, thoughtful bits that don't always go where I expect they will. I wonder if Seigi will be a bit more circumspect in future with his expectations of clients after this stuff with his old teammate. He seems to have gotten a bit better anyway.
Episode 5

I think this is my favorite episode so far.

Definitely character development going on there, and though Richard was just as hard to read as usual...he felt a little more human in this episode (not to say that he seemed inhuman in previous episodes, but this episode wasn't as much "stale bread" like I've been using to describe his character).

I think what I liked the most about this episode is that the focus was on Seigi and Richard. It was actually exploring more of our protagonists rather than the "client of the week", and it was done extremely well. It didn't feel like there was as much awkward tension between them (as it often feels like a teacher-student sort of relationship), either.
...I nearly started crying when Seigi did. >.>

Granted, most of my opinion of the episode came down to incoherently saying "awwww" at the end during the car ride scene and the talk of chance encounters.