Silver Fang

Meanwhile, we should check in on what Akakabuto has been doing this whole time.


I can't really deny this is a rather snazzy outfit, look at this doggo fancy pants:

Pretzels ftw.

Gin is so fucking ninja now, he can teleport all over the place with his ninjutsu. Throwing sniper around by the leg, SWEET SWEET FUCKING JUSTICE, YESH. Shame he didn't pierce his body on that tree branch though, fucker deserves a gory death. Nonetheless, that was still pretty satisfying.
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I'm not sure how I feel about how Lassie's being treated as of he's always been around when the first we saw of the guy was when he whipped a puppy about like you would a dusty rug just last episode. He really did a good job hiding that fabulous mane of his.

This recruitment went pretty smoothly. Only some no-names died alongside whatever modicum of pride Sniper might have had. Considering the position, I bet he'd love to have some break his collar.

I like that Ben's plan here was that Gin would be dumb enough to try to swim on his own despite being told not to because it was impossible. While it's clever to use that stupidity against Gin, it's probably not something you want to nurture in a future leader.

The poor Kai brother must be regretting joining up, because all they do is get their asses kicked in every new location. Can't wait to see the strongest doggo in the world punk them.

Sniper could probably just knock it off with the intrigue stuff. He fails at it every time and this time he got his ass kicked to boot.
Episode 14:

I like how this collie is treated like he's always been there now.

"You will get to know why I am called Gin The Falling Star" By who? Who calls you that? This is the first I've heard of it XD That or I've just forgotten.

They've sure gathered a lot of dogs now. It's a good thing Gin went on his own to get all these dogs. Also did Akatora die? I hope not.

Gin is a straight up ninja, I wish he'd have killed Sniper though cuz he's just going to come back and bite Gin in the ass later.

It's very convenient that their reputation is making it so they don't have to explain things to the dogs they run into. Like their reputation saves them from what I can only imagine would be an awkward conversation "Yeah there's this crazy bear who is making a bear fortress and recruiting bears so we're recruiting dogs from all over Japan to fight the bears in the bear fortress" I imagine Akakabuto's reputation is fairly well known too. It's great that everyone in this show apparently already knows what's going on lol.

I want Ben to settle down and just be a good blind doggo somewhere with Cross when this is all over. I don't want Ben to die, it'll make Cross sad and she's my favorite. Also I like Ben.
Episode 10
Hyena is a snivelling nerd, unlike the animal he's named after. So much for indicative naming.

Sniper is all Paw of the North Star. He, along with Moss, are my new favourites. Moss mainly because his VA overacts so much in that awesome way. The show should just be him yelling at people from his mountain top.

Well Cross is pregnant apparently:

Ben X Cross, have to admit that blushing was pretty adorable.

Gin is just defying the laws of physics again, launching that huge doggo into the air. Physics? What the fuck is that? Bulls getting flipped too by doggos, WAHT THE FUCK.


Sniper could probably just knock it off with the intrigue stuff. He fails at it every time and this time he got his ass kicked to boot.

Sniper has been a pretty useless idiot, he's basically team rocket from pokemon at this point lol
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On pilgrimage do gather the most dangerous dogs in the country? What a swell thing to do while you're expecting!

The power ceiling has risen once again too. Compared to the feats we saw early on, stuff like tossing a bull or whatever the fuck Gin did to Benizakura is sheer insanity. I fear for the safety of the bears now.
Episode 15:

I don't approve of the way these dogs say hello.

Did this motherfucker just straight up power a goddamn bull? Then the same mofo that power flipped a bull getting pile driven so hard that his head gets buried in the ground. This is Dragon Ball Z with dogs.

At this point I don't think the bears stand a chance unless they're going through a training arc off screen, which wouldn't surprise me. When he get back Akakabuto will probably have attained his golden form.

Oh Ben, you old dog.
Episode 11
Moss is like half bear. You're gonna level up a lot more before you can defeat him, Gin! You need to get a cool VA first, but I assume that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Gin: so fucking obnoxious that he raised Ben from the dead.

Also, I never knew dogs ran away so damn often in Japan's more rural areas, because it seems like they are all first generation runaways, and not a self-sufficient bunch of packs. There has to be lots of grieving owners out there, not knowing their beloved dogs are out in the forests, building an army to defeat an evil bear. Though I still don't really see how Akakabuto is "evil", other than eating stupid humans. It's mainly that the dogs are able to talk, and are therefore granted speciesist supremacy over the other animals. Akakabuto may be smarter than the dogs, but since he can't talk, he is a beast to be put down.

Of course, he is the antagonist of the series, and that is enough. It might just be me that think that this show would concern itself with protagonists that are morally in the right, and not just a bunch of strays that want to kill bears when they might as well have ran away to another mountain.

You know you're liked when people are basically lining up for the task of offing you. This is of course very prescient of how Ceaușescu met his end, but Ben gave him reprieve.


EDIT: Ha, suck it @HasseRovdjur I'm ahead of you in something for a change.
Also, I never knew dogs ran away so damn often in Japan's more rural areas, because it seems like they are all first generation runaways, and not a self-sufficient bunch of packs. There has to be lots of grieving owners out there, not knowing their beloved dogs are out in the forests, building an army to defeat an evil bear. Though I still don't really see how Akakabuto is "evil", other than eating stupid humans. It's mainly that the dogs are able to talk, and are therefore granted speciesist supremacy over the other animals. Akakabuto may be smarter than the dogs, but since he can't talk, he is a beast to be put down.
I'm assuming most of them are hunting dogs who lost their owners to Akakabuto and just want revenge. But if that's the case them humans are really incompetent if that's how many died.

Also I'm a bit salty the only villain we have right now is sniper, he's dull af. Akakabuto and his silent but clever ass would be more interesting
Episode 15:

Excuse my impolite greeting *bites neck* XD

What has happened to the others D: I must know. SWIM CROSS.

Smith is second favorite Doggo.

So wait Ben can get his vision back? That'd be dope.

So one of the entire groups of dogs was killed? So they're going to about break even? so many dogs have died now it seems like it wasn't much use to go get new ones in the first place lol they're getting new ones almost as fast as the original ones die out.





Gin and the lot almost get males like Ash from Pokemon gets Gym badges, but then when they accept his maleness he Shounen's the crap out of them and then wins their trust, mostly by beating the shit out of them. I love it.

T_T the Daisuke flashbacks. I wonder how he's doing.

I love these damn subtitles.


I'm very excited to see where we go from here, it seems like they're regrouping back home and bringing the pack back together again. I hope Ben gets his sight back because if he doesn't get to see his puppies my heart will break.

Cross is best doggo
Episode 11
Though I still don't really see how Akakabuto is "evil", other than eating stupid humans.

IIRC in the first episodes it said that Daisuke's grandfather shot Akakabuto but it hit him in the eye and hit his brain, making him deranged.

I double checked and yeah "Takeda Gohei does his best to protect his dog by shooting Akakabuto's right eye out causing him to go insane." That's why the bear is "evil" The Wiki says that Akakabuto was always aggressive, which explains why he was being hunted, but the brain damage caused him to go insane and become even more aggressive and ruthless.

Now he's got an evil bear fortress. lol
Episode 12
Mistook him for a squirrel ahahahahahahaa humans in this show fucking suck. They DESERVE to get eaten by bears.

Those ninja dogs have some next level cunning, AND they can hold their breath for a ridiculously long time. Obviously, they weren't cannibals, because those feliform-looking dogs fooled them all! Haha, stupid-ass dogs! Not that I get why they are so up in paws about the cannibalism issue, because I thought dogs were cannibalistic anyway?

Hot dang, those ninjas sure like to die! It's all very gruesome, and I can't wait for the showdown against the bears. Man, gonna be so many dead animals then! I just want some ultraviolence in animal form.

IIRC in the first episodes it said that Daisuke's grandfather shot Akakabuto but it hit him in the eye and hit his brain, making him deranged.

I double checked and yeah "Takeda Gohei does his best to protect his dog by shooting Akakabuto's right eye out causing him to go insane." That's why the bear is "evil" The Wiki says that Akakabuto was always aggressive, which explains why he was being hunted, but the brain damage caused him to go insane and become even more aggressive and ruthless.

Now he's got an evil bear fortress. lol
Well, there are no psych wards for bears, so I guess killing him is as good an option as any. Of course, it's all gramps' fault for having a fucking peashooter. If he hadn't been such a cheap-ass, this whole turn of events would never have happened.
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IIRC in the first episodes it said that Daisuke's grandfather shot Akakabuto but it hit him in the eye and hit his brain, making him deranged.

I double checked and yeah "Takeda Gohei does his best to protect his dog by shooting Akakabuto's right eye out causing him to go insane." That's why the bear is "evil" The Wiki says that Akakabuto was always aggressive, which explains why he was being hunted, but the brain damage caused him to go insane and become even more aggressive and ruthless.

Now he's got an evil bear fortress. lol
Hey that's how politics work as well.
Episode 13
John is back, yay! He knows nothing about your ninja dog clan wars, so he'll just throw these fucks around. What a fucking boss. And he just slashes through the Koga ninja nerds! Of course, that means he will help Hyena, because he knows nothing about the betrayal and whatnot. He's like a child wandering into the middle of a movie. A badass child that one-ups the entire cast, because the rest of the gang sure had a lot of trouble with the Koga clan. Not John, though. He's still the best doggo.

Of course, why the fuck is John around? He went back to civilisation last I checked. Oh, some off screen battle bullshit. Like hell the boss could defeat John. John can tie knots!

Ben - a menace to both the enemy and his allies now that he is blinded by bullshit poison. At least he can see Cross falling to her not-death... Oh, he is going blind or something? Whatever, can't be arsed to care.

Of course, Gin is groomed to be the new leader because he is the plucky kid we should identify with, and not a cool character like Moss or John.

The collie is an evil bastard, but is apparently forgiven EVEN IF HE TRIED TO KILL A KID JUST FOR REVENGE. How very eighties shounen.

"We are not here to make unnecessary kills!" Gin, that ship sailed episodes ago. You have been a bunch of assholes shanghaiing people into your cause for a while now, no matter the cost.

I wonder if the dogs can read, or if the ninja scrolls were just a way for them to celebrate their ninja heritage. Ninjas sure are stupid.

Episode 14
Gin isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, so Ben can very easily use reverse psychology on him in a rather skeevy move.

Has the collie even been named? Its just running along like it's a fucking pal from ages ago. I don't remember any backstory either.

Dogfighting? Yeah, humans in the Silver Fang verse are true scum.

Not gonna lie, the best part of this show is seeing Gin getting his ass kicked. The worst part is him surviving due to Sniper being too stupid to realise when he draws blood and breaks bones.

Sniper is just a big pile of fail. Of course, he's just gonna keep on trying because his failures have very limited consequences. He just gets off with a slap on the wrist, but the cannibal dogs were all awful murderdogs that had to die. Sheesh.

Episode 15
Benizakura was too much of a chump that just wanted to see some good fights in his twilight years. But alas, Gin lives to derp on.
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I shudder to think of what those dogs would do if they went through with their plans for conquest. But once again a stunning display of sheer courage and strength is what's change their minds fir the time.

And I don't care how big and nasty you think you are, a single bear picking fights with a collection of 400 angry dogs sounds a bit unfair, now the dogs are really overcompensating the size difference with absurd numbers. I'm sure that fucker that killed Terry was stripped to the bone just like what was done to some unlucky bear way long ago.
Episode 16:

THAT EPISODE TITLE, Who is going to die?! I'm not ready for this.

Yay Ben can see again! but....."I can see!" *repeatedly bashes face into metal bars* Ben no XD

Ok, but how useful is the weiner dog going to be against bears though? Also is this our first time meeting him and they just put in some back story where he saves Cross cuz I don't remember that. o.o Maybe they were implying it was a long time ago? idk.

That little puppy is everything and I love him.

So now they have over 400 dogs with them, nice.

I can't wait for this huge battle that's going to take place and for Cross to have puppies lol

Terry dieing wasn't that bad, not really a character we're attached to so way to be over dramatic episode title. I like how they quickly switched sides from "We're going to take over the country" to "damn bears suck, we'll join you guys" because they basically thought our main dogs were badass.

Earlier in the episode I wondered where the little puppy was and he seems to have grown since the last time we saw him lol. Glad Moss is taking care of him.