My Hero Academia

Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Ch. 32

Some of those match-ups seems a bit too one sided so I'm interested to see how they go. Also got more cheerleader outfits so all's good.
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Chapter 32.
Nothing happened. Again. Also...

So nice to see badass characters reduced to Index level shame...
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Chapter 32
Bwahaha, I love that panel where it is clear that Ojiro is explaining Shinsou's quirk. That look on his face.
This was mostly just build-up, though, aside from the ending. Will be interesting to see how stuff goes.
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Someone order a 6-pack?

Chapter 33.
Yeah, fuck your little bitch ass mind control power. Punk ass buster.
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Chapter 34

Anything I say would be an understatement but dude got wrecked.
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Oh look, All Might has been turned into little more than an object of fanservice, this otherwise strong character now ruined and dragged through the mud. /s
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Chapter 34,5
More Mount Lady for Thrawn. And it's specifically about sexiness.
Haw, we even get to know the specific ages of Midnight and Mount Lady.
Best episode ever, indeed.
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

Chapter 34,5
More Mount Lady for Thrawn. And it's specifically about sexiness.
Haw, we even get to know the specific ages of Midnight and Mount Lady.
Best episode ever, indeed.

This is the one case where Lil' Shitballs is right. This is the best episode ever.
And I totally approve of this short mini-chapter.
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

I saw posts.
Thought there was new chapter.
Just a mini-chapter.

You're in luck. New chapter just came out.

Chapter 35
So apparently the fight between Tokoyami and Momo was settled in an instant. I would have liked to see a spectacle, but this was a decent way for these fights to be handled when rushed along like that.
Mei totally used Iida for all he was worth.
Ah, I'm really looking forward to next week's fight. I expect Bakugou to win, but I hope it will be a spectacle.

Re: Boku no Hero Academia

New chapter(35) is out.

Also, that picture is just fanart. Click on it for the source.(the artist drew some other MHA girls as well)
Re: Boku no Hero Academia

I don't know where you're looking, but it's not on any site I know of. So either you're wrong, or you're screwing with us.