My Hero Academia 3

That can be arranged :D
Glad Turk boi is being helpful, just let me get myself ready
This arc(s) is gonna(should) be hella sweet, but I'm gonna wait for it to be over before I pick up this season.
I want to binge it to keep the momentum of it going all the way to the one specific scene that I hope they throw half the season's budget into.
Confirmed 25 episodes, which is hardly a surprise yet kinda disappointing. Part of me was hoping they would adapt only this arc, which I think they could do with around 12 episodes depending on how the pacing goes.
It would have been a perfect place to end a season, and would make this arc stand out uniquely as the next seasons roll onward.
Why bother with an fun, fast paced season opener to get people pumped up when you can just do a dull recap. That's obviously what everyone wants, right?
starletka has been assimilated

Im waiting to watch this with my sister who's also a fan, so ill wait for simuldub. Never been so hyped.
Uhhhh.... hold on *googles*

1. take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully
2. cause (something) to resemble; liken

Uhhh... what? Nope, still don't understand. Damn it, now I don't know whether I should be offended or not.
