Confession Thread

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That must be the answer cause I have no idea what else @Rudeboy meant

Obviously there is a dog under her desk/table eating the leftovers.

I kind want Thrawn to talk dirty to me in gibberish Czech.
Ty kurva hloupý americký chlapec, kdybys věděla, že je to pravý český člověk, jako kultivovaný člověk, ale ne, špinavý krysí bastard

Foreign language dirty talk, is best dirty talk.

Pěkná americká dívka má pravdu, a proto ji nemohu urážet, ale můžu říct, že je to všechno tak randy dítě jo! Co takhle má váš otec, ale češtině chybí hodně kvalitních anglických slov.

Thanks for preventing a situation where the cashier would have to wait 10 minutes after calling for coin refills!

The people behind him would have tutted him most heinously. If he was in England.
Okay, but like... what does she expect to happen with the other half? Does she think it's just going to be carried off by banana fairies or something?

I lol'd. I dunno either, fam, something about the phrase "banana fairies" is just so funny to me, I can't explain it.

Foreign language dirty talk, is best dirty talk.


Yeah, never heard of tuppence?

Yeah, Tuppence from "Tommy and Tuppence", detectives in the works of Agatha Christie.

If Mary Poppins taught me anything, it's that tuppence ought to be for the birds.
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