By the Grace of the Gods

Sooo first I should say if you enjoy the show then great, there’s nothing wrong with that. But I would say (along with many people) that this show is uhhh nothing. It’s not particularly funny save one snipit in the second episode, there’s really no story and everything feels very gentle/ boring. And yes I understand it’s only 2 episodes but sometimes you just feel it that this feels like a waste of time.
Episode 2.
Those CG horses. Yikes, dude.
Also, can we not with the crush thing? I know the dude looks 10, but he's still a grown ass man technically. And that's mad creepy. Don't want this to get all Star Vs. in here.

Her mom is a hoot though.
Episode 2:
Still comfy and those PS1 horsies gave me a good laugh but if I'm being nitpicky here I just wish they'll turn down the OPness of the MC just a tad bit. I know being broken is an isekai staple these days but solving any problem without any effort can get a little old even in a comfy and relaxing show. I also find it hard to believe nobody in this fantasy world has solved the Big Slime problem until Ryoma arrived.

That's probably my only gripe so far. Well guess there's also that loli bath water bait thing but that was only for a split second.
I hope they're not doing what I think they're doing... Surely they're not gonna make the protag into a pedo, right?
Keep your hands off the 11 year old girl, protag-kun...

Wow, this is great, it's pretty adorable and the kid has a backdrop to grow off of and spring into a-



It's a fucking isekai.

I hope they're not doing what I think they're doing... Surely they're not gonna make the protag into a pedo, right?
Keep your hands off the 11 year old girl, protag-kun...
isekai ruins everything
I'm still enjoying this in ep 2 but it would just be so much better if it wasnt isekai. I really dont wanna think of this adorable kid as a 40 year old man in a child's body. I just really dont.
Episode 3 was actually decent.

After them cutting out the first town the group visits in the source material, I was worried about this next episode.
They did cut out the tamers guild, but they still gave us the information about what happened there. The way they handled that made the cut fit.

Best part of this episode. No horrid CGI animals!! XD
Anime of this caliber shouldn't end up with a cliffhanger after every episode. The content is to dull to build up expectations. It will be dropped soon by over 60% of people.

While this is my fav show of this season, I 100% agree. I feel the ep are too short and ending everything on a cliffhanger takes away. Like ep 3
The cliffhanger was the main about to start cleaning the cat ladies house. WTF

I'm still enjoying this in ep 2 but it would just be so much better if it wasnt isekai. I really dont wanna think of this adorable kid as a 40 year old man in a child's body. I just really dont.

With most I just ignore it. Like I wish he was reborn into the world, but kept his memories. But still the age thing I highly recommend ignoring it. I think a huge reason why isekai work for most is it does 2 things.

  1. It lets the person have a connection with the main person since it takes someone like yourself and brings them to this other world that is 100% different.
  2. It allows the world to easily explain itself to the person. Like each world has its own rules and as the main puts it, it's own common sense. If someone was born into the world and already established the person will already know the basics and we will be at a lost the entire time.

I think the reason why more and more is moving away from HS or middle school kid being transfer is most kids like their life while most adults hate their life and would gladly off themselves if they thought there was a life like shown waiting on them. And having it where it's normal for kids to die or be transported to another world isn't a good thing into itself. Chances are they will have a family that loves them, or at least would notice if the person is gone. While other than the person's boss noticing the person stopped showing up for work. Generally most have a piss poor relationship if any with anyone. There is a lot of studies showing most adults have 0 friends.

But ya, while isekai is my favorite at this time. I wish more and more would have the person be at least 18 or older. Admittedly this will make for some problems since most in those settings their marriages were set by the time they were 14 or 15. But I think this could be overlooked.

I mean at the current stage of things, I think it's best for the main to be looked at his age was reset towards the new body.
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This is kinda sad because i actually really enjoyed reading the manga a while back, and that's the only reason I'm gonna keep watching this,, but god the anime skips so many details and i feel like they could have done so much better, but hey it's isekai, i mean what do you expect, lol.
I'm a sucker for isekai anime, but they almost always end up being a huge letdown. This show does nothing to set itself apart from the pack. The plot isn't driven by the MC at all and the outcomes of all the events are always "amazing protagonist amazingly does something amazing and it's so amazing that it amazes everyone". It's too predictable and it's exactly like every other generic isekai. I fear what direction this show will take, considering a 42 year old has a crush on a pubescent girl.

If you want mindless "entertainment" then this is a show ig, probably not the show for you but still an option. Honestly, not to be rude but I genuinely mean this, only someone who's braindead could enjoy this show as anything more than a time killer. It does not deserve 4 stars and the only reason it's rated so highly is because isekai anime always get high ratings no matter how sh*tty they are.
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"Honestly, not to be rude but I genuinely mean this, only someone who's braindead could enjoy this show as anything more than a time killer."

1) It's very easy express your dislike of something without retorting to bashing and despising people who enjoy it. Just make your points and leave the condescending (and, per your own words, rude) attitude at the door. Not to mention that, as far as we know, brain-dead people don't enjoy anything so your logic is fallacious here ;) 2) One could argue that anything you do which is not to ensure directly or indirectly your own survival is a time killer. Humans are the time killer champions. They invented a whole industry just for this. You even said its name: "entertainment".
So far I'm not really finding myself enjoying this one. The first episode was nice and I enjoyed the premise, In the second episode I was falling off a little bit but I liked seeing what Ryoma could do. Now the third episode left a pretty bad taste in my mouth because of how much praise he got for how powerful he is at such a young age. It felt like there wasn't any conflict in this episode and it fell pretty hard for me. However, I'm going to give this one more episode because the cat girl seemed funny.
Episode 4 was extremely rushed. They had at least 2 episodes worth of content.. left out a lot of the fun stuff.

It's like.. All the odd numbered episodes are decently paced and all the even numbered episodes are rushed into oblivion.
The adventures suck, but the story is good. I wish more shows were like this.

I wish this show was longer however.

how much praise he got for how powerful he is at such a young age. It felt like there wasn't any conflict

This is pretty normal for this type of show. For some shows it works, but others it doesn't.

I think it's a mix of people wanting to escape in their powerless lives, and the fact that there is only 12 or less ep. Like your only choices is to have the main become OP from the start or quickly become OP over 2 or 3 ep (16%-25% of the season). IMO it's better to just have the main like this if they are going to be over powered because there isn't enough time to naturally get them there.

Oddly, I think in the latest ep it works in it's favor with not giving the main a real adventure. Like having them do normal or semi normal task like cleaning works since it gives this a slice of life feel that works. And due to this, this is my favorite show of this season.
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Episode 4:
Okay. I sure didn't expect to go this route...

Such an odd episode. I didn't hate it but it was...uh well...Isekai Janitor...yeah. Just...yeah. Also, this kid wore a slime as a fucking helmet. That killed me. I did like the last scene though because I'm such a big sap.