Blue Gender



Blue Gender

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The monsters remind me of the bugs in Starship Troopers but not nearly as cheesy looking and it also had a horror element that reminded me of aliens especially when he saw the people in cocoons. The poor dude was frozen with an incurable disease and he wakes up to hell. I wonder if he was ever actually cured or if he just happened to be thawed out because of the bug invasion. The guy is just thrust into this world where everything has been turned upside down and he doesn't have time to process it all because he is trying to survive.

I pretty muched enjoyed everything about this epiosde the animation looks good, the monsters and mechs look cool and there is a focus on the psychological aspect.
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Aside from minor pacing issues I suspect you will like this one. I didn't like the ending of this one either for very different reasons to Gilgamesh but everything up to the last episode was gold. Stay away from the movie though. That was a disaster.
Episode 2:

I'm guessing the soldiers were collecting the frozen people to use as test subjects or something. With people living in space there is probably limited room and I doubt they would be bringing more people up out of kindness. So our guy might be lucky that he was unfrozen when they got there. The aliens will eat anything including people so the cocoons weren't for repoduction but to store humans for later that's pretty gruesome. I like how they are blending in a few horror elements in with the action.

It's pretty good so far but all of the characters seem pretty generic. The marines all seem to fall into typical roles like the crazy gungho guy or the coldly distant female officer. And the main guy is just a scared survivor. It's only been two episodes so there is plenty of room for development though so I'm not worried.

The boob groping scene struck me as hilarious. Guy just walks up and is like what are doing? Oh well that looks boring just ignore me while I play with your tits.
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Episode 3:

Yuji begins to bond with Joey through training and maybe has a but of a crush on Marlene. Marlene still seems like the typical aloof female officer type other than the out of place tit groping scene in the last episode. I'm glad Yuji was instantly good with the mech and didn't suddenly start kickass when it was crunch time, instead he had to be saved. He'd only been training for a few days so it feels more realistic this way.

Anyway now they are on their way to Korea and I'm looking foward to seeing what the space coloney looks like. I've enjoyed these first three episodes.
Episode 4:

So as I thought there is limited space and resources on second earth so most of humanity has been abandoned to their fate on earth. It seems like a cold attitude but I guess it's better to save some rather than save no one. Which also reinforces my opinion that the frozen people they are collecting are to be used to tests.

Despite being an adult Yuji is still pretty naive and sounds pretty childish sometimes. Especially after he argured with Marlene and then just ran away. Then making the foolish promise to the little girl, he is just setting himself up for a tragedy there. Does he really think seeing these people's plight in going to move second earth, this is a hard cruel world and they have hardened themselves against such things.

The monsters are evolving and now their weak spot is under their skin this is going to make them much tougher to fight. Already the rescue team has been wiped out and now they have to find another way to get back in contact with the coloney.

I liked the different designs of the bugs even if the mouths on these most recent ones looked like something obscene. Well actually they've all looked like something obscene. :laugh:

Well that's it for today but so far I think we made the right choice with this show. :)
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Episode 1

Well, that was satisfying.

To start, this is seriously 90s and I love it. The animation and character designs are my ideal mix of old and new, the character designs particularly are perfect. Main guy needs a haircut though.

The monsters look a bit stupid, in my opinion, not sure what is with the Japanese and making menacing forms of life resemble genitalia. Now remains to be seen if they are aliens or genetic mutations. Their method of food storage/preservation was interesting to say the least though.

I thought this first episode was done really well - we had a good sense of seeing things from the main guy's fresh perspective of all out horror but also the feeling that this situation had been going on a long time.

I hope the psychological aspect is done well, it's pretty essential to a good post-apocalyptic monster/aliens type story. I think Marlene is going to have a very interesting backstory.

I've only woken up in the last hour so I now have to do a few things like shower and mope about a bit but I will likely marathon the next few eps very soon because this is good and I want to catch up with you.

Are you interested in trying to get this done by Friday in time for Full Moon? Not sure how the schedule would work, 6-7 eps a day or something?
^ Let's do one more today and the 7 the next three days to finish it off. I need to catch up on Utena today but after that 7 a day would be no problem. :)
That works for me.

Episode 2

They came through the underwater pipe? No shit.

So, half of the established cast are now dead. I agree they were pretty generic anyway, it's no suprise they won't be sticking around. What was up with that groping scene? Yuji feels quite realistic so I can forgive the fact that he is quite annoying, he really must be completely overwhelmed by all that has happened so far.

I wasn't expecting them to have migrated into space so that's a nice twist already. Will most of this take place on the Second Earth station then? I thought the scenes of devastation on Earth were quite well done, especially how the monsters had created hives in certain buildings, so it might disappoint me to suddenly change the location.

The OP is so 90s I can't take it seriously, but the ED is quite cool.

Episode 3

Well, I guess we had to expect sooner or later Yuji would start to help in the fighting. At least he didn't jump in that mech and instinctively know how to kick ass. Hell, he couldn't even operate a firearm. Even after training he still failed in taking down that single Blue even with Joey's help.

lol @ him whimpering when Marlene presses her chest into his back. But I realise the guy has been asleep for a few decades so he must be pretty sexually frustrated. Also, that tit groping scene wasn't with Marlene, right? It was the other chick that is now dead.

We're being familiarised well with Yuji's state of mind. However, as you say Marlene is very distant - but it struck me when Yuji started reminiscing; he seems to be the same age as Marlene at least, and since he's been asleep for well over a decade is it not possible Marlene was born or grew up in post-apocalyptic state of the world? She's probably seen some rough shit, I do look forward to her background. At least he's made good friends with Joey though! I laughed out loud at the end when they were humming that tune and their heads were slightly bopping up and down. It just looked hilarious.
^ Just went back and checked and you're the tit grope was the other chick. I just got confused because
Marlene is geting felt up by Joey
in episode 4.
Episode 4

lulz... yeah, two sets of groping in just four episodes. Well... isn't Joey a dark horse?

So, the recovery squad are all dead - yeah, why didn't I see that one coming? Looks like we won't see them going into space for a while. But why were there more Sleepers in Korea? There seem to be a lot, and they're obviously important for whatever reason.

Yuji got to play hero and he's lucky the Blue was quite small. I am glad he saved the little girl and the doggy. She ran away because her father told her not to trust the military and we find out there are no rescue operations for survivors on Earth. It makes sense that there be limited supplies on Second Earth. I'm starting to wonder if they have discovered how to use humans for energy like the Blue do, and maybe that's the purpose of the Sleepers. Then, if Yuji was that expendable they wouldn't bother putting up with his unpredictable behaviour. I can see how their use is associated with Yuji's illness too - but what they could they be testing them for?

Inappropriately-timed sex can really fuck with your head, I also find it weird that Marlene and Joey can want to get it on like that, especially since Marlene seemed to know what they were doing was distasteful. Makes me wonder what society is like back on Second Earth...

The end of this episode sets them up for more hardship. Things will only get tougher.
Episode 5:
Wow what an episode just fucking kill everyone. The battle of battle of thermopylae giant monsters edition. I was expecting all of the refugees including Yun to die but I didn't think Joey would die too. Man that carnage was epic. The mechs are destroyed as is their truck so Marlene and Joey are left alone on foot in the middle of monster country. Talk about a hopeless situation.

Why is it so important to get Yuji to the space port? There is something special about him, maybe they did something to him while he was frozen. Also what was Marlene going to tell Yuji about the people right before that attack? What is Yuji's connection to the space station? He seemed afraid of going there.

This show has went from good to amazing in the span of one episode. Joey's death scene was really well done as was the actual carnage during the battle. Marlene must have seen many scenes like this and that is why she is so cold and detached, not even Joey's death or Robert's sacrifice phased her much less the deaths of all those people. I just knew when Yuji promised to protect Yun she was going to die. Marlene may be too cold but Yuji needs to become harder if he wants to survive this new world.

Too bad I only see genitalia when I look at the monsters now. :laugh:
Episode 5

Well, I was expecting a lot death and tragedy from this show but not this much from ONE episode. Yeah, Marlene and Yuji are now in a really dire situation, what could happen next? Looks like this will be a show to keep you guessing.

The part where Yung is taken away in a flash reminds me of a scene from a film called The Host. It was done very well here, while I do feel bad for Yuji, he needs to face up to this situation realistically. Marlene is evidence enough that without thick skin you won't be able to handle it. I knew Joey was going to die at some point because he is labelled as a Minor character on site :...:

I'm VERY curious about this whole situation with Yuji and his importance, the role of the Sleepers, and what Marlene was going to tell Yuji about the people. Arrrgh!
i remember watching this a long while ago.. dont remember if it was good or bad, maybe i'll watch again
Episode 6:
I liked see Marlene's past it helps to humanize her character. After hearing her description of 2nd earth it's understandable why she is so cold. Obviously she is going to hook up with Yuji at some point. Even Yuju was more likable in this episode after he stopped sulking like a child. The dreams in this episode were great and helped to show Yuji's state of mind.

Humans set the world on fire to try and kill the bugs, so much of the death and suffering was caused by humans themselves. The bugs are just following their instincts so I wonder if a theme of the show is going to be humans being the bigger monsters.

Marlene was born on earth and was a 10 years old before all hell broke loose and she got shipped off to the coloney so why was she so confused when Yuji told her men used to take care of women? I'm guessing there is no distinction between men and women in the coloney but there seemed to be some deeper meaning to what she was saying.
Episode 7:
So I wonder how long it's going to be before Dice dies. The grizzeled survivor living out in the middle of nowhere that decides to help the heroes, he's got tragic sacrifice written all over his forehead. Oh and he completed his revenge for whoever's grave that was so yeah he's a dead man walking.

Well at least they have a way to travel now and Yuji doesn't have to spend all his time leering at Marlene.
Episode 6

This was a nice character development episode that made a quick change from the previous episode of bloodshed and death. The backdrop of the barren mountains throughout really made it impossible for much else to happen except character interaction. We have a glimpse into Marlene's past and understand a little bit more about her, there was also a big emphasis on how Marlene and Yuji have completely different values.

Yuji's dream was indeed interesting - on the outside he is really quite a bland guy with basic intelligence and a good heart, but on the inside maybe more shit is going on than even he realises.

We have more expectations about Second Earth now - I think I'm eager for them to get there and see what it's like. Still, all the questions from episode 5 lingering around.

Also, I agree that this will have a lot more to say about humanity, so far we've seen the way survivors back on Earth are perceived by those on Second Earth, now we know that most of the destruction was caused by man trying eradicate the blue using all weaponry at his disposal. A pretty picture is not being painted of the human species.
Episode 8:
This one was a shitty episode for Yuji well until the end anyway. He gets chased by monsters, thrown off the truck, cockblocked by mercenaries and saves the village only to be shuned. At least he was accepted by Elena which means she is probably going to die horribly. The nomads may have been peaceful but to shun Yuji for saving their lives was pretty fucked up. If he hadn't have intervened they would have all been killed.

This episode showed both the best and worst of humanity after a disaster. The nomads managed to survive and make a modest life for themselves. They were a nice little community willing to help a stranger. The bandits on the other hand have become scavengers unable to do anything constructive they only survive by preying on others. They were going to kill the nomads and take everything they had instead of trying to work on their own to survive.

Now if Yuji has half a brain he will stay with Elena and not go with Marlene. Of course the mercenaries will probably be back and murder everyone anyway.
Episode 9:
Well shit I was wrong looks like the nomads got to survive and Dice survived as well. I laughed when the mercenaries were getting ready to go after the nomads and instead get eaten by monsters. Serves those assholes right. Yuji initially made the right choice and he should have stuck with Elena. Why go to second earth where they are looking at you as a test sample. Although at this point Yuji is caught between worlds he doesn't fit in with Marlene but he didn't exactly fit in with the nomads either. I think he would have an easier time learning to fit in the nomads rather than the hard cruel world that Marlene inhabits.

Anyway looks like they are going to second earth next episode so that should get interesting.