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  1. untilweseethestars


  2. untilweseethestars

    Anime featuring a vengeful protagonist

    Any worthwhile anime that has a vengeful main character?
  3. untilweseethestars

    Most attractive male anime character

    which male characters in anime appear to be the most handsome to you?
  4. untilweseethestars

    Most attractive female anime character

    which female characters in anime do you think are really beautiful?
  5. untilweseethestars

    Anime character you liked that everyone hates

    What anime character you liked that everyone else foind repulsive? Rolo - I have a feeling most people hate him because he killed a certain someone... Slaine - So much anti-slaine material online and there even's r/fuckslaine. I thought he was the only good character in A.Z (Unlike that...
  6. untilweseethestars

    Artstyles in anime you like that everyone hates and vice versa

    What anime you thought had an artstyle you liked that everyone thought was ugly and vice versa? Art and animation can also be mentioned.
  7. untilweseethestars

    Say positive things about an anime you hate

    What did you like about an anime you hated or didn't like? Gurren Lagann - Viral and the chemistry between nia and simon as well as yoko and kamina Fairy Tail - the openings are great
  8. untilweseethestars

    Why is incest common in anime?

    What's up with anime and fetishizing incest? Why can't there be less incestous siblings in anime?
  9. untilweseethestars

    Characters you hate that others like

    What characters do you despise that is popular? I personally think haruhi suzumiya and bakugo are below trash.